Direct Action (SolFed) #09 1998

A collage of newspaper headlines. Headline: media - do you buy it?

An issue Direct Action from Winter 1998/99 with articles on the media.

Submitted by Fozzie on August 3, 2022


  • Media Corpse: Dealing with the media barons - the merits and demerits of regulation, de-regulation or otherwise of the media industry.
  • direct actions New Deal, Dover, Tameside care workers, Bodyshop, Movement against the Monarchy.
  • news + comment Working Time Directive, Special Human Rights?
  • solfedinfo Selected Solidarity Federation and related gatherings and events.
  • international news Ireland, Spain, France, Russia, US, Korea, Japan, Nigeria, Bangladesh, Canada.
  • Letter from America: News of the world, from our correspondent.
  • States of health: The US is ‘leading the way’ in hard-sell prescription drug marketing. Bearing in mind that what starts over there usually ends up over here, welcome to the future of health care...
  • When Media Bites: Media frenzy happened at Hillsborough. The police ‘did their bit’ (sic). And it led to one of the biggest media boycotts in Britain.
  • faqs Chomsky on MediaBites
  • Mindmoulding: Media might be moulding the minds of us masses, but how?
  • Mogul Rock: The British pop and ‘alternative’ music press; past, present and future.
  • letters: Genetic engineering, psychiatry.
  • Review Article: Media Justice or Media - Just Us?
  • Review: Britain’s Media - How they are Related - Granville Williams
  • Review: Seizing the Airwaves - Ron Sakolsky and Stephen Dunifer
  • Review Article: Get a Life - The Little Red Book of the White Dot
  • Review: Four Arguments for the Elimination of Television - Jerry Mander
  • Film reviews: Wag the Dog - Entertainment / Titanic - Cameron
  • Music review: Bareback - Hank Dogs
  • Book reviews
  • Periodical reviews
  • One owner; One vision; One voice: The media and real life.
  • Attachments

    DA-SF-IWA-09.pdf (10.49 MB)
