Direct Action (SolFed) #12 1999

Shows a shelf of books and a key - "Education: the key to liberation?"

An issue of Solidarity Federation's Direct Action magazine, with articles focussing on education.

Submitted by Fozzie on August 9, 2022


  • After McPherson: Anti-racist Education?: The McPherson Report into the racist murder of Stephen Lawrence told us we need anti-racist education. Here’s how and why New Labour won’t deliver it.
  • actions + comment: June 18th, Stop the Crop, Name and Shame your Inspectors, and An abuse of Trust, Czech Flag burning, Keeping Occupied.
  • Events/Campaigns/Gatherings listings
  • globalfocus: After Kosovo: Kosovo gave Clinton and Blair the chance to put another piece in the New World Order jigsaw. Anyone who supports NATO's involvement take note.
  • international news: India, Turkey, Mexico, Lithuania and J18 across the world: USA, Canada, Spain, Czech Republic, Germany, Uruguay, Australia, Nigeria and Pakistan.
  • Schools: Learning to Live, Teaching to Fail: Schools are a relatively recent way of maintaining continued hierarchy and privilege in society. But are they all bad?
  • Enabling, Disabling: Of all the people the education system fails, the most vulnerable will be forever labelled ‘learning disabled’.
  • basic.action: Frequently Asked Question - Beginners guide to alternative education. SolFed info - contacts and ideas.
  • The Free-Ed Interviews: LibEd and SelfEd; Two Collectives committed to freedom and self-expression in education.
  • lite.action: Notes and letters, and children without childhood.
  • Education reviews:
    The Scapegoat Generation - America’s war on adolescents - Mike Males
    A D-I-Y Guide to the Liberation of Learning - LIB ED
    Real Education; varieties of freedom - John Gribble
    The Dredd Phenomenon - John Newsinger (Preview)
  • film/music reviews:
    The Seige - Denzel Washington, Annete Bening, Bruce Willis
    OZOMATLI - Ozomatli
  • obituary: Jim Allen
  • book reviews
    The Four Voyages - Christopher Columbus
    A Short Account of the Destruction of the Indies - Bartolomé de las Casas
    Prisoners and Partisans: Italian Anarchists in the Struggles
    Against Fascism - KSL
    The Twins - John Wallace
    Twins: Genes, Environment and the Mystery of Human Identity - Lawrence Wright
  • periodical reviews: Troops Out, LIB ED
  • Riding the Tertiary Rollercoaster: In for repair again - isn't it time it was given a proper going over? In-depth in further & higher education.
  • Restructuring HE: University sector policy and prognosis on the key issues of fees and access.
  • Childrearing in Reality: The latest drive to get party politics into parenting, and how it will damage the next generation of parents and children, just like the last one.


DA-SF-IWA-12.pdf (9.61 MB)
