Seventh issue of Do Or Die.

The Iditorial
These Islands
- Direct Action Six Years Down the Road: From the past to the future of the anti-roads movement.
- Lights, Cameras... Activism!: The stormy relationship between direct action and video media.
- In Tusks We Trust: From Sussex to Scotland, wild boars are doing it for themselves!
- No Escape from Patriarchy: Male dominance on direct action camps.
- No-One Ever is to Blame: On environmentalists' need to scapegoat government and industry.
- Pressmennan: Defending the ancient oakwoods of Scotland.
- No Opencast! A brief history, plus reports and thoughts on the recent action in Derbyshire.
- Animal Antics: Road-wreckin' rabbits and pissed-off primates say "Take that, humans!"
- Personality Politics: Revolt is contained by overexposure... direct action as spectacle?
- Treehouses of the World: We should never have come down from the trees!
- Farmaggedon! Industrial Agriculture - why it has to go and what could follow its demise.
- Carry on Camping: A round up of UK direct action camps from the last year.
- The Oil Industry: Thrills, spills and then kills - Followed by...
- Putting a Spanner in the Oil Industry's Works: Hints on how to fuck up the oil mega-machine.
- World Wide Fraud: WWF pandering to the will of industry - and responsible for genocide.
- Quarry Fighting in the South West
Other Islands...
- Viva Sasé: Tierra y Libertad: Reports from the squatted village in Spain.
- Occupy, Resist, Produce: Brasil's landless peasants' movement - an inside view from a roving EF!er.
- Green Fort versus Mean Port: Resistance to harbour development in Holland.
- Tíocfáidh Ár La: Pixies Reclaim Ireland - direct action re-greening the 'Emerald Isle'.
- Hot Dam! Victory for the people opposing the Maheshwar dam in India.
- Behind the Balaclavas: First hand impressions of the Zapatista communities.
- Direct Action Down Under: Reports from eco-direct actions and campaigns in Australia.
- Thanksgiving is for Turkeys: Amerikkka Celebrates Genocide - and Native Americans continue to resist.
Global Round-up: News from Sri Lanka, France, the Phillipines and Thailand.
Paranoia... noia... noia... BOO!
- In the Dungeons of Fortress Europe
- Thought Police imprison Green Anarchists in UK.
- Europol
- Radikal: The repression of Radikal magazine in Germany.
- Italian anarchists framed.
- CS Gas: How to combat the effects
Odds and Sods...
- Prisoners of War: UK and overseas prisoners listings and contacts for International Prisoner Support Organisations.
- Book Reviews: Gathering Force, published by the Big Issue, Anarchy After Leftism, by Bob Black, Concrete Jungle, edited by Mark Dion and Alexis Rockman
- Recommended Reading: Monkeywrenching the media monoculture with small reviews and contact details for over 65 weird and wonderful publications.
- Lettuce to the Cabbage: 'Go on punk, make my day'... letters from our long-suffering readers.
- Ways into the ecological resistance networks: two pages of UK and international contacts.
Do Or Die 07.pdf
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