Do Or Die #8 1999

8th issue of Do Or Die published in 1999. 345 pages. Full contents below.

"Do or Die—riding the space hopper of self-delusion through the garbage heap of despair since 1992"

PDF from the Do Or Die archive.

Submitted by Fozzie on May 11, 2021

Full contents:


Friday June 18th 1999

  • Confronting Capital and Smashing the State!
  • Autonomous Actions and Anarchy
  • Carnival Against Capital
  • The Great liberty Riot [1780]
  • June 18th: A cartoon story of experiences in London.
  • The Intercontinental Caravan: A Critical Analysis.
  • Global Day of Action: Round-up of reports.
  • Globalisation: Origins - History - Analysis - Resistance.

These Islands

  • Animal Antics: Beasts Go Ballistic!
  • Tunnels of the World: A picture story of subterranean refuges and rebellion.
  • Going Underground: Some Thoughts on Tunnelling as a Tactic.
  • Leave it to Beaver! Rodents on the Rebound.
  • Pirate Utopias: Under the Banner of King Death!
  • Let Patriarchy Burn! A Feminist Rant.
  • We Will Destroy Genetic Engineering: The New Luddite War.
  • It All Began On Mayday: The First Year of Tyneside Action for People and Planet.
  • Biodiversity and its Loss... What Does it all Really Mean?
  • Biocentrism: Ideology Against Nature.
  • Sabbing Shell: Office Occupation A-Go-Go!
  • Autonomous Spaces: There's a Storm Brewing in Every Teacup.
  • No Rent, No Government: Stories of Squatting.
  • Desire is Speaking: An overview of European squat-punk culture.
  • War is the Health of the State: An Open Letter to the UK Direct Action Movement.
  • Carry On Camping: A Roundup of British Direct Action Sites.
  • Comments on Camps: Out of Site, Out of Mind?
  • Take a Sad Song and Make it Better? Ecological Restoration in the UK.
  • Restoration Roundup: A Directory for Re-Healing the Wild.
  • Park Life in South London: The Story of the Defence of Crystal Palace.

Other Islands

  • Street Parties and Sausages: News from Germany.
  • Peace On Bougainville: Ceasefire Holds but Rebels Remain Cautious.
  • Biting the Bullet: Hunt Sabbing in Sweden.
  • Action and Insurgency; An Interview with a Nepalese Activist.
  • A Look at Eastern Europe: From Rioting Farmers to Rabid Fascists.
  • Direct Action in Israel: Impressions from a Roving EF!er.
  • Mamberamo Madness: Progress and Resistance in West Papua
  • Rumble In The Jungle: Fighting for Freedom in West Papua with the OPM.
  • Barbed Wire and Barricades: When it all Kicked Off in Kiwi.
  • Easton Cowboys Go West: Revolutionary Footballers in Mexico.
  • Green Belt Uprising: Kenyan Kaos in Karura.
  • Taking The Pisces: Struggles of the Fishworkers of India.
  • Big Trouble for Big Oil: Chevron Up Shit Creek in Niger Delta.
  • Tribal Roundup: Last Call For Freedom.
  • Un-American Activities: Subverting the Great Satan.

Other Stuff

  • Paranoid Androids? One Nation Under a Barcode, the new masking-up laws, millennial madness and lessons from the North of Ireland.
  • Prisoners Of War: Contact details for long term eco-prisoners and what you can do to support them.
  • Book Reviews:
  • Against Civilisation, edited by John Zerzan
  • Copse, by Kate Evans and Friends
  • Dole Autonomy versus the Re-Imposition of Work: analysis of the current tendency to workfare in the UK, by Aufheben
  • Earth First! and the Anti-Roads Movement, by Derek Wall
  • Pacifism As Pathology and Profane Existence - The Best Cuts, by Ward Churchill
  • From Knapping to Crapping: Reviews of over 200 practical skills books covering loads you might like to learn - and a few things you probably wouldn't!
  • Lettuce To The Cabbage: Whinges from our readers.
  • Contacts: Group contacts so that you can get involved in the action.


do-or-die_08.pdf (26.51 MB)
