Black Flag 213 (1998)

Issue of the London-based anarchist magazine Black Flag from the 1990s.

Most contents available in text form below. Complete contents in PDF.

Submitted by Fozzie on April 5, 2018


  • Editorial
  • Asylum Seekers in Dover - a view from Dover and the Czech Republic
  • Chilean Anarchism
  • Homophobia, Universalism and Anarchism
  • Tiger Economies Go Belly Up
  • Interview with Ronan Bennett
  • New Labour's Anti-Working Class Agenda
  • Plus news, views and reviews from anarchists in the UK and around the world


This issue features more than usual from home, something we are pleased about. A quarterly magazine like Black Flag can never cover all the resist ance going on, but it's good to print some concrete news on what anarchists are doing in this country. One of the most important issues covered in this edition is the sentencing of the three Green Anarchist editors to prison terms. Regular readers will be aware that we don't always see eye to eye with Green Anarchist, but this is a clear case of the State trying to stifle free speech and the reporting of direct actions. We have reported such things before, and will do so in the future. We urge all our readers to send their solidarity to the GA editors in prison and to join in the campaign.

We feature a lengthy article that recounts the history of Chilean anarchism, that we learned a lot from and we hope you are similarly inspired by their courage. We look at what Labour's agenda is towards the poor and working class, and, unlike the Socialist Workers, we can say "We didn't vote for this".

There is another in-depth look at movements in the world economy, this time on what's happening to the Far Eastern economies.

Also in this issue we have two more contributions to the debate on organisation, from very different perspectives, as well as a raft of adverts for different national meetings (next to the letters page).

