The third issue of irregular communist journal, Endnotes. Copied to clipboard Attachments Endnotes no.3- gender, race, class and other misfortunes.pdf (1.53 MB) Editorial The holding pattern: the ongoing crisis and the class struggles of 2011-2013 The logic of gender: on the separation of spheres and the process of abjection A rising tide lifts all boats: crisis era struggles in Britain Logistics, counterlogistics and the communist prospect - Jasper Bernes The limit point of capitalist equality: notes toward an abolitionist antiracism - Chris Chen Spontaneity, mediation, rupture Book traversal links for Endnotes #03: gender, race, class and other misfortunes Endnotes journal Up Editorial Printer-friendly version Endnotes PDF Comments
Communization and its discontents: Contestation, critique, and contemporary struggles Can we find alternatives to the failed radical projects of the twentieth century? What are the…
Sic: international journal for communisation Online archive of Sic, a journal about communisation produced jointly by Endnotes in the UK/US, Blaumachen in Greece, Théorie Communiste in…
Endnotes journal Partial online archive of Endnotes, an irregular communist theoretical journal produced by a discussion group of the same name based in Britain and the US.
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