Illustration of levellers in discussion Christopher Hill's Marxist analysis of the English civil war and revolution in the 17th century, published in 1940. Copied to clipboard Attachments English-revolution.pdf (1.9 MB) United Kingdom agriculture Levellers English Civil War Christopher Hill PDF Comments
The law of freedom in a platform - Gerrard Winstanley Set out in 1652, this is Winstanley's vision for a future without money or such extreme laws of…
From a representation of the army A short appeal by The Levellers for Parliament to adopt a number of political reforms and address the grievances of the army.
A true account of the New Model Army - Paul Z. Simons An account of the New Model Army and its links with the Revolutionary movements unleashed by the…
A shadow of glorious (though strange) good things to come: The Ranters and libertarian communism in the English civil war An examination of the Ranters, one of the most radical groups to emerge during the…
Levellers, True Levellers, and the Diggers of 1649 An incomplete dramatisation of the founding of the True Levellers or the "Diggers" and their first agrarian commune.
An agreement of the people - John Wildman A short appeal from army regiments under the sway of the Levellers for peace and political reform to more equally distribute power within England…