The first congress of the Red Trade Union International at Moscow, 1921. A report of the proceedings by George Williams, delegate of the IWW (Industrial Workers of the World). Copied to clipboard Attachments [1921]-the-first-congress-of-the-red-trade-union-international-at-moscow-1921.pdf (3.81 MB) Industrial Workers of the World (IWW) United States conferences accounts George Williams PDF Comments
Speeches of Fred Thompson, 1970 Transcripts from a series of lectures by Fred Thompson given to the Canadian Student Federation in 1970.
Solidarity forever: an oral history of the IWW - Stewart Bird, Dan Georgakas and Deborah Shaffer A fantastic oral history of the revolutionary Industrial Workers of the World union…
Wages so low you'll freak - Mike Pudd'nhead A book by Mike Pudd'nhead about his experience working at Jimmy Johns in the Twin Cities, Minnesota and attempting to organize a union with the…
1970 oral history interview with Irving Abrams – Frank Ninkovich An oral history interview with Jewish anarchist and Industrial Workers of the World (IWW) member,…
The making of an organizer: A history and analysis of the Chicago Couriers Union 2003-2006 A personal account of an organiser's time in the Chicago Couriers Union (CCU)
Fragments: a memoir - Sam Dolgoff A 1986 memoir by Russian-born American anarcho-syndicalist Sam Dolgoff (1902-1990) with lots of interesting information about the anarchist…