The election manifesto in the current government, 'food for everyone' will be ensured, By 2013, Bangladesh will be made self-reliant in food again. Increasing subsidy in agricultural equipments, making available agricultural inputs and increasing the coverage of agriculture credit and simplifying the receipt. Irrigation will be expanded and affordable, adequate measures will be taken to preserve the crop. Provision of fair prices for crops and all agricultural produce will be ensured.

The government's satisfaction, the hardships of the farmers!
(Bangladesh Anarchist Network-BAN)
If Farmers get the good price, they Increase the productivity. And when the production increases, the price decreases. This trap has not been released even today for the farmers.
Aman, Aus, Boro, no crop failure. Increased yield compared to last year. Potato, vegetables and jute yields are also good. Because the production was good, rice was not imported this year. As a result, the state money saved around one billion dollars or eight thousand crore taka. But the farmers did not get the benefit of this saving. That is, consumers ate less rice at a comparatively lower price.
The government agency Trading Corporation of Bangladesh (TCB) has reduced the rate of rice to 12 percent in the last one year. The price of rice decreased by about 13 percent. Last year, every kg of rice was sold at Tk 32-35. This year has been sold from 28 to 32 taka. Only rice and rice prices fall in the main eight types of food products.
in contrast, the peasant received 12 to 13 percent lesser rates than last year. Last year, the farmers could not afford the cost of producing paddy. They are forced to sell every paddy rice at lesser cost of production. Although the cost of production of jute, and the cost of production of potato, both the yield and the price of potato got better.
The election manifesto in the current government, 'food for everyone' will be ensured, By 2013, Bangladesh will be made self-reliant in food again. Increasing subsidy in agricultural equipments, making available agricultural inputs and increasing the coverage of agriculture credit and simplifying the receipt. Irrigation will be expanded and affordable, adequate measures will be taken to preserve the crop. Provision of fair prices for crops and all agricultural produce will be ensured.
After 14 days of coming to power in 2009, the government reduced the prices of three types of fertilizers to one half and reduced it to half. Triple Super Phosphate (TSP) reduced from Tk 80 to Tk 40, Mureate of Potass (MOP) reduced from Tk 75 to Tk 35 and diy ammonium phosphate from 85 to 45 tk. Later, the prices of these three types of fertilizers were reduced to another 22, 15 and 26 taka. But the price of urea fertilizer was increased from 12 to 20 tk.
At the beginning of coming to power, the rice was of Tk 35 to Tk 40. From the first year, the price of rice was reduced to below 30 tk. But even after the price of rice decreased, farmers' fair prices remained untouched. At this time the cost of cultivation of the farmer increased but the price of the crop increased rather than decreased.
Due to irrigation, two million tons of diesel is used annually. In the current four years, the price of diesel has been increased from 40 to 61 tk. per liter in four years. Agricultural wages increased from 200 taka to 300 to 350 tk. According to economists, the overall cost of agricultural production increased by 20 to 30 percent.
On the other hand, in the year 2008-9, the increase in agricultural sector was increased to Tk 4,285 crore from the previous fiscal year. But due to the increase in fertilizer prices in the international market, it eventually stood at Tk 5.785 billion Taka 4 thousand 888 crores in fiscal year 2009-2010, Tk 6,952 crores in fiscal year 2010-11 and increase in current fiscal year to seven thousand crores.
According to economists, 2012 is satisfying for governments and consumers. Because, the price was low. But it is a bad time for the middle and the big farmers. The speed of collection of the food department was also slow due to surplus production. Rice and rice prices did not increase because the government could not show the courage to allow rice exports. Jute did not get good prices due to the new international market for jute exports. It was not seen that the courageous decision to increase the price of agricultural products was required to ensure fair prices of the farmers.
Production in the agricultural sector is increasing, growth is declining: As the Bureau of Statistics, the rate of increase in the income of the peasants has decreased by half in the 2011-12 fiscal year. In the 2010-2011 fiscal year, agriculture sector growth was 5 percent. While the present government came to power, the growth in agriculture sector was 5.44 percent in FY 2009-10. In the 2010-11 fiscal year, it decreased slightly to 5.13 percent. In the 2011-12 fiscal, it has dropped to 2.5 percent.
According to Bangladesh Bank's 2012 monetary policy report, the growth of agriculture sector has not been achieved as a result of overall decline in national growth. 6 percent to 32 percent of the 7 percent growth achieved.
As the Department of Agricultural Extension, the pace of agricultural production was upward as last year. This year, production of rice, including boro, aman and aus, has increased by 3 lakh tons compared to last year, to 3.18 million tons. It was favorable to increase rainfall production throughout the year. There was no major natural disaster. Fears, seeds and water crisis were not heard.
The International Food Policy Institute (EFPRI), an international food research institute, conducted a study on the historical nature of food products in Bangladesh. It found that, in the last 30 years, the actual price of rice decreased by 50 percent. On the other hand, the price of primary nutritious food like pulses, meat, milk and vegetables increased by 15 percent to 25 percent. But the income of poor people did not increase in that proportion. As a result, people have become more dependent on rice. And the nutrient deficit is increasing. But the actual value of fish has started to decline in the last 10 years.
Dangers with surplus rice: Various studies of the Food Fertilization and Assessment Division (FPMU) have found that consumption of per capita rice in the country is 160 kg per year. If the population is estimated to be slightly more than 15 crores, the demand for rice in the country will be around 24 million tonnes annually. Apart from food, livestock and poultry feed, almost three million tonnes of rice is the food of the people. As a result, around 2 million tons of rice was surplus this year.
However, a recent study by the Bangladesh Development Research Institute (BIDS) found that five lakh tonnes of rice surplus and two million tons of wheat were deficient in the current year. But import of wheat to meet the deficit was not allowed but export of surplus rice was not allowed. Due to this excess rice being in the mWhere is the profit of the peasant: This year the Asian Development Bank (ADB) and the EPPRI published a joint research report on India, China and Bangladesh's main food. It has been found that Bangladeshi farmers get the lowest price among these three countries. As a matter of fact, the importance of the presence of the Faria or the middlemen in the Bangladesh market has been mentioned.
The study, titled 'The Quite Revolution in Stable Food Value Chain', shows that 62 percent of the rice in Bangladesh is from rice ken Phariyas. And 68% of India's rice farmers bought rice from farmers and peasant organizations. 83% of rice in China is directly from the farmers to buy rice.
Studies show that 30% of the people of Bangladesh bought the price at which the rice was bought, owned by the owners of the rice mill, the Fahia and the traders. Farmers get 70 percent. In the last one year, the rice market is going down in the middle of the middlemen. And the price of rice and rice decreased from 12 to 13 percent due to the actual income of the farmers decreased.arket, the price has decreased continuously.
Where is the profit of the peasant: This year the Asian Development Bank (ADB) and the EPPRI published a joint research report on India, China and Bangladesh's main food. It has been found that Bangladeshi farmers get the lowest price among these three countries. As a matter of fact, the importance of the presence of the Faria or the middlemen in the Bangladesh market has been mentioned.
The study, titled 'The Quite Revolution in Stable Food Value Chain', shows that 62 percent of the rice in Bangladesh is from rice ken Phariyas. And 68% of India's rice farmers bought rice from farmers and peasant organizations. 83% of rice in China is directly from the farmers to buy rice.
Studies show that 30% of the people of Bangladesh bought the price at which the rice was bought, owned by the owners of the rice mill, the Fahia and the traders. Farmers get 70 percent. In the last one year, the rice market is going down in the middle of the middlemen. And the price of rice and rice decreased from 12 to 13 percent due to the actual income of the farmers decreased.
In the above discussion, it has been proved that real emancipation of common people is not possible under government management. Therefore, only the Anarcho-syndicalist movement can bring real freedom of people and to removing people- isolated public management, bureaucracy, meddle man and authoritarian culture.