Illegal deportation of Libyan immigrants from Italy

Roberto Maroni, home secretary of the Italian Government, exulted for the illegal repatriation of 227 immigrants who, travelling on three shabby boats, were trying to reach the Italian bank through the Canal of Sicily.

Submitted by De on May 7, 2009

The immigrants, promptly stopped by Italian authorities, were sent back immediately to Libya without being able even to stay in the immigration centre of Lampedusa.

Medicines sans Frontiers stated this repatriation was illegal: “repatriating immigrants without identifying them and not allowing them the access to asylum, for those who have the rights, is illegal and against any national and international laws”.

However, according to the Italian home secretary, this is a “historical result”, a great success in beating illegal immigration, an excellent measure which will solve the problem of immigration in Italy.

Roberto Maroni is a member of the Northern League (Lega Nord), a party which strongly supports the Italian decree law on security which has been debated a lot recently. In these days, the Italian parliament is discussing one specific measure of this decree that would oblige teachers to report to the authorities any students who are illegal immigrants. The same measure was proposed for doctors. The establishment of "spy- doctors and teachers" would prevent the access to the health and education system for immigrants.



15 years 10 months ago

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Submitted by DER SYNDIKALIST on May 7, 2009
