The March 2008 issue of the Industrial Worker, the newspaper of the revolutionary union, the Industrial Workers of the World (IWW).

Contents include:
- UK blood service cuts blunted, IWW, allies fight to reverse them
- IWW Organizing Summit in Toronto, Canada announcement
- IWWs elect fresh crop of officers
- New York Wobs learn IWW history
- Obituary: Dorice McDaniels, lifelong fighter for peace, solidarity
- Australian IWW pleads guilty
- Auchan fires pro-union worker in Poland
- Spanish bus drivers strike for 5-day week
- Freeters' Union: organizing Japan's precariat
- Column: Working family - Trafficking law targets consensual sex workers
- Which union is up-to-date?
- AFSCME defeat borths new convictions, strategy
- Connecticut IWWs show solidarity for NYC food workers
- Rail Workers build inter-union solidarity caucus
- World labor solidarity
- IWW delegate finds courage on Mexico-US border
- New York Wobs demand Starbucks recognize MLK Day