The May 2007 issue of the Industrial Worker, the newspaper of the revolutionary union, the Industrial Workers of the World (IWW).

Contents include:
LA 'troqueros' mobilize for May Day shutdown by Gideon Dev
- Starbucks violated workers' rights, says NLRB
- Detroit's traveling Wobbly kitchen
- Zimbabwe workers win court case, face violence
- U Michigan temps organize with IWW
- Shattuck Cinema workers rally for contract
- FAU calls for solidarity with German carers
- Serb workers, students occupy University of Belgrade
- The revolution will not be amplified: an interview with Tom Morello
- Review: Songs of the workers to fan the flames of discontent
- IWW in Scotland presses Save Crichton campaign
- Struggling AFSCME local in Amherst gets a taste of IWW
- IWW pickets Starbucks shareholders meeting
- Polish workers from anarchist union fired
Industrial Worker #1695 (May 2007).pdf
(2.03 MB)