The October 2008 issue of the Industrial Worker, the newspaper of the revolutionary union, the Industrial Workers of the World (IWW).

Contents include:
-Police arrests try to disrupt Republican National Convention protests
-Quebec workers get union contract at Wal-Mart
-UK cinema fires IWW organizer
-Ward’s Supermarket fires IWW for petition
-Marie Mason pleads guilty
-Mall of America Starbucks IWWs take direct action: buying a fan for freedom
-Martyred Sacco & Vanzetti are honored in Boston
-One million signatures sought for Employee Free Choice Act
-Youth must organize at school and work to win power
-Toronto campus radio fires news director as it bargains
-UK inquiry reveals chronic neglect led to death
-General Assembly in Europe an IWW first
-SweatFree Communities press state governors
-Turkish trade unionist acquitted after waiting 8 months in jail
-Remembering Helen Keller as a fighter
-French Post targets CNT striker in Marseille
-Chinese unions inch toward independence