[Italy] “Against the Green Pass, against the State”

| Italiano | English | Français |

• Trieste, Italy: protest against the Green Pass intensifies
• There is only one part of the fence…
• The Draghi government uncovers its true nature at the service of big capital and the ruling classes!
• Trento: Against the Green Pass, against the State and its Emergencies. Let’s block everything
• Nothing will be the same as before, for you

(IT) https://www.autistici.org/tridnivalka/italia-contro-il-green-pass-contro-lo-stato/

Submitted by Guerre de Classe on December 4, 2021

Trieste, Italy: protest against the Green Pass intensifies

On the morning of Monday 18 October, after 4 days of blockades, demonstrations and permanent presidiums, the police evicted with the use of violence those demonstrating in front of the entrance to the port of Trieste. Thousands of people then moved in demonstration through the streets of the city, up to Piazza Unità, while in the evening the protest intensified. In the area next to the harbor, protesters responded to the massive use of police force by setting up barricades in the streets.

Throughout Italy, in these hours hundreds of demonstrations in solidarity are occupying the main squares of the country. What happened in these hours has no historical precedent neither for the city of Trieste, where protests of this intensity had never taken place in living memory, nor for the movement against the Green Pass. In these lines we will therefore try to give a quick account of how we arrived at the current situation: for reasons of space it is therefore a partial, incomplete account, in which both the complexity of the political dynamics is necessarily reduced, and at the same time some major events are not reported.

First, what is the Green Pass? The Green Pass, also known as the “European Green Passport”, is a document gradually introduced from the summer of 2021 by the Italian government. It is obtained only when you have obtained the so-called “vaccination coverage”, after having received two doses of the vaccine (or, in other and rarer cases, when you have recently recovered from Covid-19).The document initially regulated access to public spaces, such as bars, restaurants, cinemas or festivals, hospitals… but its scope has gradually been extended to other aspects of social life. In particular, starting from 15 October, the Green Pass has become mandatory for all workers, both in the public and private sectors: under penalty of suspension from their jobs. In his absence, workers can only, and at their own expense, certify their condition of “negativity” using swabs.

Trieste in particular immediately presented itself as an anomalous city compared to the rest of the country, for the composition of the movement and for the strength it expressed. Unlike many other contexts, where the radical left and the anarchist area looked with suspicion at the squares opposed to the Green Pass, in Trieste a group of comrades founded the assembly known as “Coordinamento No Green Pass Trieste”, which together with the port workers union CLPT therefore assumed the role of promoter of mobilizations and protests, distancing the fascists from their assemblies. During the first two weeks of September 3 huge demonstrations, with more than 15,000 demonstrators (in a city where the inhabitants are 200,000) occupy the public space, blocking the city.

In the same period, protests intensified throughout Italy, with particularly numerous demonstrations in Milan and Rome. Two more words must be spent on Rome: it is here in fact that during the demonstration on 9 October, starting from a demonstration of over 10,000 people, another demonstration starts, led by neo-fascist groups such as Forza Nuova and Casapound. While the police violently attack the main square, the group led by the neo-fascists meets no resistance and comes to occupy the headquarters of the CGIL, the main trade union in the country, historically linked to the PCI and now to the Democratic Party. In the meantime, another demonstration also starts, animated instead by people close to the movements, social centers and the anarchist area.

While the political climate continues to polarize, with the regime media not sparing the opportunity to accuse the entire movement of being led by the fascists, and made up of individualists, deniers and conspiracy theorists, in Trieste a growing part, albeit a minority of comrades, tries to channel the anger against the Green Pass. Here too, in the fight against the green passport, very heterogeneous people are mixed together, both in terms of social class and in terms of the beliefs that lead them to express their dissent. Nevertheless, the Coordination, together with the dock workers, decides to stay within the movement, aware of its ambivalence.

The comrades decide to stay in the assemblies starting from the assumption that every mass movement always contains within itself positions that are often very different, in some cases apparently irreconcilable, without it being necessary to marry them all. It is in the assemblies that the most advanced currents can prevail, to oppose all forms of blackmail and discrimination in the workplace, as well as in social spaces, to oppose increasingly invasive forms of biopolitical control and the limitless expansion of the State of Emergency, to counter the capitalist management of vaccination programs, to avoid transforming science into a dogma, as when the usefulness of the third dose is criticized by a fairly large part of the scientific community. Furthermore, thanks to the Green Pass, the government masks, through an authoritarian and punitive mechanism for workers, the will to continue its policies as in the past: cuts to healthcare, absence of preventive and territorial medicine, absence of investments and stable hiring in the school, no enhancement of public transport…

What happened in the last few days? The first qualitative jump took place on 11 October, when all over Italy the base unions launched a general strike, while the main unions, namely CGIL, CISL and UIL decided to ignore the movement. However only a few of the base unions take a clear position against the Green Pass. In Trieste, on the other hand, the Coordination autonomously organizes a demonstration, which brings 15,000 strikers to the square. The dock workers, symbol of the city as much as the port, galvanized the Trieste protest. But the port of Trieste soon became a symbol for the movement against Green Pass throughout Italy, and starting from the 11th more and more people began to arrive to support the protest, from all over Northern Italy and perhaps even further away.

The government attempts mediation, offering the dock workers the opportunity to have their swabs for free, but the CLPT union representatives refuse the offer. Driven by the support shown by workers and citizens all around the country, they then proclaim the strike and the indefinite blockade starting from October 15, the day from which it will no longer be possible to work without the certificate. The fight, they say, will go on until the abolition of the Green Pass(port).

The strike and the blockade:
On the morning of the 15th, hundreds of people guard the gates from the first light of dawn. The event grows during the morning, thousands of people arrive and it becomes a kind of party. The workers decide not to stop the traffic of goods, but the participation in the strike is very high. Over 40% of dockers do not have a green pass, and solidarity between colleagues blocks activities. The protest continues on the 16th and 17th as well, with hundreds of people showing solidarity and an increasing number of demonstrators from all over Italy transforming the space in front of the Gate 4 of the harbour into a sort of permanent presidium.

On the 18th morning, as announced, the police attacks with tear gas, charges and uses water cannons against those who were still keeping their position at the gates. The protesters decide to resort to passive resistance and for the moment there is no physical response to the police aggression. At least 2,000 people soon arrive to support the protest, but the police aggression is too violent and the gates are forcibly released. A large unauthorized demonstration follows, moving from the port to the most important square of the city, Piazza Unità, where the demonstration lasts until late in the evening. Meanwhile, a smaller group of people dispersed in the area near the port, blocking traffic and erecting makeshift barricades. Among these protesters, to a large extent very young, an unspecified number of ultras and other elements close to the circles of the extreme right. During the evening, a greater number of people move peacefully from Piazza Unità towards the port, where the demonstration is again attacked by the police. The clashes continue until late in the evening.

While we write, the situation is constantly evolving.
The Italian government, led by Mario Draghi, is experimenting with this measure in Italy, but the Green Pass could soon be adopted in other European Union countries. What is happening in Italy is therefore a warning for all.

The protests of these days, unprecedented since the beginning of the pandemic, break with the absolute consensus built by governments in the name of the health emergency. If this were not enough to convince the most skeptical comrades to take a position, the attempt by the far right to infiltrate the movement can only be stopped when these elements are denied viability and political room for maneuver, and the only way to do this is to take part in the organization of the struggle.

We invite all comrades to reflect on the forms of their intervention against the management of the health emergency. We ask everyone to express their solidarity against the military repression that is affecting the movement against the Green Pass.

Finally, we invite those who may be interested to discuss about the situation to see each other in person, in Piazza Exarchia, Friday 22 October, at 18h.

A comrade from Trieste

Source: https://athens.indymedia.org/post/1614786/
Another source: https://actforfree.noblogs.org/post/2021/10/20/trieste-italy-protest-against-the-green-pass-intensifies/


There is only one part of the fence…

Against the mass capitalist compulsory vaccination.
On the side of women subjected to the double oppression of gender and class and the commodified alienation of their bodies, the revolutionaries support the claim for autonomy of dispossessed female bodies that proudly praises the shout of freedom “I am mine!“. And they support it without any hesitation, even though it is possible to conquer true freedom by abolishing the capitalistic present state of things.

When during the summer of 2019 following the already seen student mobilization in Hong Kong the belly of the square suddenly swelled with a humanity devoid of any class identity consciousness, this blog (which still did not even exist in the imagination of its author) he felt that a certain pattern of analysis no longer fit. It is no longer able to explain the social and sudden phenomena that typical scheme based on geopolitical analyzes or on the formal self-representation of what emerges from the deep underground of capitalist relations.

In 2017 my job as a computer programmer took me several times to Hong Kong for a few continuous weeks, sniffing the smells (not the perfumes) of the chilling financial metropolis, while with a punch in the stomach I wondered why a riot does not break out that ignites this sewer of financial ideal realized on earth?

Then I wrote in summer 2019:
… Hong Kong is a city of just over 1000 Km2, but the inhabited area is really concentrated in a small space between the north of Hong Kong Island and the Kowloon Peninsula for about a few hundred Km2. This makes Hong Kong one of the cities with an asphyxiating population density: from the average on the total territory calculated at 6500 inhabitants per Km2, the island of Hong Kong has a density of about 20,000 inhabitants per Km2, while some districts of the peninsula may vary from 35 thousand to 80 thousand inhabitants per Km2.

The city sprawls in height with huge, hundreds of floors high but completely crumbling and smelly skyscrapers standing alongside modern 50-story financial and building skyscrapers with seamless luxury apartments inside. The average size of the apartment is 12sqm, many of them do not have a bathroom or running water. The cost of renting is exorbitant. In recent years, yet another financial bubble that has had consequences on the real estate market has further increased the cost of rents. An average employee in the financial sector pays around € 850 per month for a 12m2 cage. While more families or families of 8 or 10 people live in the same conditions if not worse.

Walking through the streets of Hong Kong, Engels’ “condition of the English working class” comes to mind when he talks about the housing conditions of English and Irish workers. With the difference that in 19th century London the proletariat already lived in unhealthy districts and neighborhoods on the outskirts. In Hong Kong poverty and luxury are contiguous and are separated by a few tens of meters from each other. Along any central thoroughfare in Hong Kong, 50 or 80-story buildings whose stair and entrance width is just 90cm, find here and there modern buildings for the rich. The stench, together with a suffocating heat, invades the streets. The glitter of luxury and the reflection of the power of finance that opens onto the sidewalks and streets of the city, piercing the continuity of dilapidated housing hovels, small crumbling shops and brothel clubs with Chinese, Filipino and Thai prostitutes, instill a psychological sensation of submission.

People live on the street continuously due to the scarcity of housing and living spaces. People eat their meals sitting on the few benches along the sidewalks or on the stairs of the buildings. It is a continuous stop on the streets day and night. As day and night, the shopping centers are always crowded with the scions of the upper middle class. The cinemas are also open in the morning…

That belly devoid of class identity found its first outlet in those days of July and August in Hong Kong. Which then followed the months of the time of the coronavirus and on the home page of the blog that arose out of instinct, it is stated in his presentation that we are facing a general crisis for which the classic model of the last century is no longer able to reflect the unprecedented and sudden social outbursts in the light of programs, political directions and formal theories, because these social events overflow from the crust of the earth moved by deep earth tremors without consciousness, and we can reflect them by following the track and trajectory of the masses actions as long as and until the seismic thrust offers energy to the motion and we cannot understand looking for programs of intentions already formalized that transiently emerge immediately.

At the time of the coronavirus and in the days of the acceleration of the general crisis of capitalism, contradictions explode quickly and there is no time to reconstruct or reaffirm the revolutionary theory that we inherit from the trend of capitalism of its previous and ascending phase . It is a matter of courageously accompanying events, feeling like we are rioters, encouraging, taking sides even if we do not yet have the clarity of everything and a clear vision of the horizon. The hands of history seem to have gone back in time, re-editing scenarios that we believed were overcome when we believed to be “defeated”. But the speed with which the set of social relations determined by capitalism are loudly creaking is overcoming the sound barrier and beyond…

This blog has already written since its inception a critical vision on the digital economy in the current phase and the capitalist model of this new phase based on the internet of things, on data centers, on the cloud, bid data, smart working and on the defect catastrophic entropy of contemporary hyper-technological innovation. And then a radical and sharp criticism setting the complex of government policy based on the establishment of the state of emergence to counter the pandemic. A criticism that has continuously expressed itself against the containment measures (the lockdowns) up to the current mass capitalist vaccination campaign. Without ever conceding to a non-existence of the virus and the real pathogenic epidemic problem, because if this epidemic turns into a tragedy it is because a very different social pandemic was already underway (attacking the overall conditions of the reproduction of social life and nature) and now it worsens by imposing a commensurate acceleration of the attempt at an ever more authoritarian management of all the contradictions that this profound and historical crisis of capitalism produces as a determining factor in the forms of politics.

Now is not the time given, stay rant theoretically (to write a treatise or a pamphlet) on science and anti-science, or the capitalist essence of the vaccination mass anticovid which is responsive to preserve authoritarian rule of capital, the maximum realization of the real social dictatorship of capitalism over the whole of society through its state which represents its general and overall interests.

Reasoning whether the vaccine is still useful because there is a part of objective science to support it (a part!), is not the approach of communism as a real movement that abolishes the present state of things.
Here, by dint of referring to the objectivity of bourgeois science, whose objective content does not go unnoticed in the abstract, the “objective communists” contest, we behave with the same criterion for which the anti-abortionist Catholic reports the scientific – true – proof that biological life exists in the embryo to justify the ethical and moral judgment against abortion. Ethical and moral judgment that substantiates capitalist patriarchy, which through gender oppression, assigns to women the role subject to the function of capitalist social reproduction and the patriarchal property of capitalist homo over woman, which expropriates her from the autonomy of her body commodified and alienated within the overall capital relations.

The communist here does not oppose a counter–science, nor does he bow to the scientific evidence that the biological life of the embryo exists even if devoid of conscience. It does not oppose another ethical or moral judgment on the non-value of unconscious biological life, but applies a revolutionary critical theory against capital relations and against the gender oppression that is a determined part of it, ignoring objective scientific truths from top to bottom, ethical and moral.

And so it is, vice versa and on the contrary, who puts in the foreground, “well and we don’t want to deny that a virus is circulating and people are dying? Do we not want to deny that, even if it is not the definitive solution to the capitalist pandemic, in any case there is evidence that fewer old people have died since vaccinated? Do we not want to deny that, even if it is not the definitive solution to the capitalist pandemic, in any case there is evidence that fewer old people have died since vaccinated?”. Then it goes straight into the moral and ethical judgment of the anti-abortion priest who it claims the primacy of life which strengthens the oppressive relationship of capitalist patriarchy and gender oppression tout court. They (“the objective communists”) exclaim: “there is a sense of social community that should prevail over and against the claim of reactionary individual freedom of the no vax”. And they do so by positioning themselves in an acquiring way to the community alienated from capitalist domination, obeying its vaccine order imposed by its state. Against the reactionary and antisocial substance of state authoritarianism, this blog claims the opposing and antagonistic self-historical activity of the proletariat is not at the orders of his majesty the kapital, and through the first material manifestations of this concrete opposition, through the action, between ebbs and flows, we are forced to prefigure new forms of social self-organization, treatment and prevention health care. We will therefore not give a damn if the statistical evidence that the Chinese lockdown is true and it worked, as if that of the Conte government (albeit untimely) mitigated the damage, because those truths, they are not neutral and through submission to those measures proletarian life is increasingly mean. And we will also not give a damn about having to refute the objectivity of scientific progress existing in new vaccines (that is an experimental genetic serum), because the decisive point is the revolutionary critique of capital. If it were scientifically true, as the institutional technoscience argues, that the new vaccine mitigates the pathogenic consequences of the virus or helps to keep it under control (but there is a scientific part silenced by the real power that dominates society that challenges these postulates, advancing as much scientific evidence !), this blog withdraws from the neutral scientific debate (not because it’s stuff to be left to scientists), because, through this attitude, it wants to criticize precisely its presumed objective neutrality which leads straight to the ethical and moral judgment of the dominant ideology, expression of the real domination of capitalism.

Basically this blog is on the side of the no green pass, as it is on the side of women subjected to gender oppression (and anyone who is a victim of it), and together with them it claims the body and mine and I manage it myself! Because in the end the secular alienation and colonization of female bodies, specialized and made even more unbearable by the capitalist patriarchy, today goes even deeper into capital relations, accentuates the denial of autonomy of conscious choice of motherhood by women and according to this model of alienation of female bodies it extends the colonization of bodies to the proletarians, to the immigrant and racialized exploited, to the dominated peoples and to society as a whole, imposing on them the only care that the capital moloch allows: the capitalist vaccine otherwise the same conditions of reproduction of the already bare life are denied.

After this long-standing preamble, whose excerpted themes are taken up in several writings on this blog, the contradictions run fast and in the face of the state repression against port workers there is only one part of the barricade on which to take sides. There is no time to reconstruct or reaffirm the revolutionary theory where the communism of the last century has been reduced to the present misery of the critical theory of law and the state based on the Hegel’s philosophy.

The place of the barricade, without any hesitation, is against the repression of the state and alongside the concrete struggle of the Trieste port workers and of the waterfront widespread across ports of workers and others who have lined up around this proletarian core!

We have no country (Noi non abbiamo patria) invites you to read these two testimonies to clear positions that this blog fully shares and supports.

Un porto, un’anomalia, una scintilla
Napoli: Il governo Draghi svela la sua vera natura al servizio del grande capitale e delle classi dominanti!
[English translation of this text is below]

Source in Italian: https://noinonabbiamopatria.blog/2021/10/20/ce-solo-una-parte-della-barricata/
English translation: https://noinonabbiamopatria.blog/2021/10/20/there-is-only-one-part-of-the-fence/


The Draghi government uncovers its true nature at the service of big capital and the ruling classes!

The democratic government of Mario Draghi, supported by almost all the parliamentary forces, as well as sponsored by the president of the republic, uncovers its true anti-proletarian face.

With an unprecedented police action, the workers’ block in front of Trieste port against the compulsory of the green pass has been cleared. Although the protest was completely peaceful, the protesters were flooded with water cannons, tear gas and beaten with batons.

The road maintenance workers of Campania who even achieved at least the goal of the covid-test free paid by the employer in the past few days and the green pass, they found themselves faced with a sudden change of position of their company that has dismissed all the commitments made on the 15th October. Amid with the right employees struggle, the police intervened with threats to evict the protesters in this case too.

This, if it’s needed, confirms for the umpteenth time that the true dictatorship of capital and the ruling classes is hidden behind the so-called democratic institutions. Representative democracy is only a miserable screen that serves to keep the population subjugated by deluding it that the state and its institutions are the expression of all the people.

The right to march and to protest is graciously granted from above on the unique condition that the struggle does not disturbe the sacred good of the economy based on exploitation and profits and its master operator.

If this barrier is exceeded, the state and its institutions discard their kind mask and unsheathe their claws showing all the violence they are capable of in order to defend the privileges and interests of the ruling classes.

Once again, the media and press has not lacked its support to the government and its falsehoods, doing very well the job for which they are hired to denigrate and promote the criminalization of those who oppose it.

As always, the President of the Republic, former Minister of Defense of the government that promoted the bombing of the former Yugoslavia, wanted to intervene personally to denounce the violent protests, which he probably saw only him, and express his concern for the cracking of the social peace.

It is that social peace that allows the government with impunity to carry out an incredible experiment in social discipline and control through the introduction of the mandatory green pass and the compulsory vaccination. It is that social peace that exploits our money to companies and to big capital to defend their profits, to strengthen precariousness, extend the retirement age and create impossible conditions for economic survival even for small production and commercial businesses.

The collaborative unions CGIL, CISL and UIL, have joined the chorus, and instead of expressing solidarity to the workers in the squares which would be the least thing that can be expected such unions, they instead invited the workers to defect the struggle to do not damage the fate of the economy.

Once again SHAME for these capital supporter and maintainers to whom only a true resurgence of proletarian struggles and mobilizations will be able to ask for an account of their servility and their collaboration with the leeches of labor.

Never as in this moment we must not give up! This affair of the obligation of the pass even to go to work, represents only a general test of what they have in mind to achieve: the right to work, to have the right of political and trade union actions, and even to be able to have social relations worthy of the name, (in short, to live), it will be granted only to those who docilely submit to the will of the state and its institutions, (of that state and of those institutions that are obsessively, how falsely, explained to be the expression of our will).

We support the struggle of the dockers and the city of Trieste, as well as that of road maintenance workers. We strengthen the mobilizations against the compulsory green pass and the mandatory vaccination, but above all we are against the authoritarian change in progress and the attempt to strengthen oppression and exploitation.

We show also to those who are convinced that this management of the pandemic serves to protect us from the virus, that it has nothing to do with protecting the health of citizens but represents a tool in the hands of the government to strengthen totalitarian control over the entire society and defend the profits of a few.

Committee against the authoritarian management of the pandemic – Naples

Source in Italian: https://ilrovescio.info/2021/10/19/napoli-il-governo-draghi-svela-la-sua-vera-natura-al-servizio-del-grande-capitale-e-delle-classi-dominanti/
English translation: https://noinonabbiamopatria.blog/2021/10/20/there-is-only-one-part-of-the-fence/


Trento: Against the Green Pass, against the State and its Emergencies. Let’s block everything

The Green Pass is a measure that has nothing to do with health: it is just another tool of a liberticidal policy of blackmail and technological control, which feeds divisions and war between the poor.

This epidemic, like others that may come, is the product of capitalism and globalization, of factory farms, industrial devastation and State wars waged to expropriate land in the name of technological progress.
The spread of contagion cannot be defeated through the acceptance of a coercive measure. Let us not be fooled by the hateful war between vaccinated and unvaccinated behind which the State hides its responsibilities. We reject this false opposition: the dichotomy is between the exploited and the exploiters; the mandatory Green Pass is an attack against our class, a new weapon of blackmail and division in the hands of the bosses, which affects us all, beyond everyone’s choices.

From the deaths in Bergamo among the factories of Valseriana to the new NRRP [National Recovery and Resilience Plan] introduced by the Draghi government, it is clear that the priority is not health, but a strengthening of the system of exploitation and impoverishment on the wave of a State of Emergency.
Faced with the kind of world they are setting up for us, appeals to respect the Constitution are in vain. The Green Pass is one of the expressions of a world of algorithms and computer efficiency that is declaring war on human beings themselves, a model that is here to stay. So long as technocrats, military and capitalists are together in power, the laws and courts won’t stop being tools of the ruling class. The class that perpetrated the massacres in the prisons of 2020 when the inmates raised their heads; the class that cut public health care funding causing the deaths of thousands; the class that filled the streets with the military and kept the factories open while people were dying of Covid. These are not the collateral damages of a “wrong” government, but the products within the structure of the State.

The only way to resist is self-organizing and struggling, aware that we will not get out of the Emergency as long as we continue to obey.

To put an end to one year and seven months of State and Confindustria compulsions and intimidation is possible.

The determination of the dock workers of Trieste and Genoa is the clearest, the most supportive and current example of this: block the production and flows until the green pass obligation is repealed for all workers of every category, without compromise.


Assembly held after the general strike of October 11, Trento

Source in Italian: https://ilrovescio.info/2021/10/15/trento-contro-il-green-pass-contro-lo-stato-e-le-sue-emergenze-blocchiamo-tutto/
English translation: Gli Amici della Guerra di Classe


Nothing will be the same as before, for you

“I’d like to point out that in all the most serious cases the institutions have proved to be compact: magistrates, prefects, police and all the other forces intervened without hesitation making the face of the State even more determined before the delinquent acts that were being carried out”. The words which former Minister of Justice Alfonso Bonafede used in parliament to claim the March 2020 massacre in Italian jails can be actually applied to everything that has happened over the past two years.

Millions of people were finally able to observe the true face of the State. First they locked us in our homes for three months, then it was the turn of night curfew, of regional closures, of so-called semi-lockdown (when we could go out of our homes, yes, but only to go to work). Finally we arrived at the so much awaited “restart”.

Economic recovery at all costs is certainly not a “return” to freedom and happiness for individuals but a demand for total self-abnegation towards the needs of the market. There is a red thread linking dramatic episodes such as the Mottarone massacre [on 23rd March 2021 a cable car crashed to the ground from the summit of Mottarone, a mountain near Lake Maggiore in northern Italy, killing fourteen passengers], six deaths a day at work, attacks on porters on strike and imposing the green pass on all workers: this red thread is called the restart of the capitalist economy. The only thing they are interested in is that the economy doesn’t stop again, that there are no outbreaks at workplaces. Never must the car stop again, they’d rather cut the brakes. The car must not slow down, it will run over us rather.

It is the very gentlemen of Confindustria who in February 2020 lobbied to keep the factories open, who diminished the severity of the virus, who along with the democratic mayors of Milan and Bergamo were saying that we couldn’t stop. The very same ones who want to impose the green pass on us today. What sort of dignity do these gentlemen have to call us irresponsible, to tell us that we are the “deniers”?
The green pass has nothing to do with the health crisis. In fact it has nothing to do with vaccines either (regardless of what we think about them). It is not true that the green pass serves to push the population towards the vaccination campaign. It is the exact opposite: the vaccination campaign is a precise pretext to force us to download the green pass. The ill-concealed goal of the government is to exploit the pandemic in favour of an unprecedented form of authoritarian turn.

In these years the bosses have achieved everything: they have continued to produce, demanding we stay at home when they didn’t need us to go to work for them; they obtained the unblocking of dismissals, imposing Marco Draghi, former grim bureaucrat at the European Central Bank and slaughterer of Greece, at the head of the government; they are starving us through increases in bills and fuel prices, an indirect way of cutting our wages. In the face of this structural crisis the only response that the State can give is the tightening of repression, the strengthening of social control.

That’s what the green pass is for!
The green pass is not a temporary measure: in their plans it is an instrument of control destined to remain in place. In the face of this odious expedient we cannot allow compromises or middle ground (such as free swabs). The point is not that of getting the green pass while preserving our imaginary “freedom of choice”. This infamous instrument of control must be sabotaged with all means.

To the escalation of repression we respond by exacerbating the conflict. Many have understood this, taking to the streets without leaders or bureaucrat collaborators of the regime. We don’t know how this struggle will end, but we do know that for millions of exploited what has been happening for two years now has represented a sort of loss of innocence. Many have seen the true face of the State. The very analysts of the regime are showing they are worried about the loss of trust in the institutions, politics, police, unions. May this gap become unbridgeable, may they start feeling besieged from now on. Let mistrust become conflict.

At the beginning of the emergency they told us “nothing will ever be the same as before”. It is the only thing they haven’t lied about: for you bosses and rulers nothing will ever be as before. We are not claiming rights, we are burning with anarchy.


Source in Italian: https://malacoda.noblogs.org/post/2021/10/14/niente-sara-piu-come-prima-per-voi/
PDF in Italian: https://malacoda.noblogs.org/files/2021/10/niente-sara-piu-come-prima.pdf
English translation: https://actforfree.noblogs.org/post/2021/10/19/italy-nothing-will-be-the-same-as-before-for-you/



3 years 2 months ago

In reply to by libcom.org

Submitted by Spikymike on December 5, 2021

The 'Covid Pass' already introduced in part in the UK as well, particularly in its requirement in practice to be utilised as an App on mobile phones, certainly has discriminatory implications and is part of a more general process of state surveillance in advanced technology linked to other changes in policing that are clearly aimed at attempts to restrict active street and neighbourhood organising in response to the deteriorating conditions of life in this second phase of the latest economic and social crisis of global capitalism. So this text is a useful challenge to those of us who have only perceived opposition to the latest claimed state health emergencies as something of a primarily right wing and conspiracy matter. Still developing an active intervention in working class opposition to the states attacks that retains the balance between both the libertarian and the communism in our politics is no easy matter at present.


3 years 1 month ago

In reply to by libcom.org

Submitted by Spikymike on January 12, 2022

This is a useful related discussion: