Karl Marx: a biography - David McLellan (3rd edition) Part of the series of biographies of Karl Marx. David McLellan's biography of Karl Marx - 3rd edition (1995). Copied to clipboard Attachments David McLellan - Karl Marx - A Biography.docx (1.49 MB) David McLellan - Karl Marx - A Biography.odt (1.5 MB) Karl Marx: a biography - David McLellan (3rd edition) (8.14 MB) Karl Marx Marxism biographies David McLellan PDF Comments
Stirner, Feurbach, Marx and the Young Hegelians - David McLellan A summary of Stirner's ideas and their strong impact on his fellow Young Hegelians. McLellan asserts…
Karl Marx: the story of his life - Franz Mehring Part of the series of biographies of Karl Marx. 'Karl Marx: The Story of His Life' (German: 'Karl Marx. Geschichte seines Lebens'), first…
Karl Marx and the Paris Commune - CLR James CLR James on Marx, the Commune and their relevance for workers in the US.
Marx, theoretician of anarchism - Maximilien Rubel Maximilien Rubel's 1973 article highlighting the libertarian elements within Marx's work and its importance to anarchism, regardless of Marx's…
Wage-labour and capital - Karl Marx - audiobook Orignally written as a series of newspaper articles in 1847, Wage-Labour and Capital was intended to give a short overview, for popular…
Dunglaboro kaj Kapitalo: Karlo Markso Artikolo pri la rilato inter laboro kaj kapitolo en klaso socio.