Just wonderful news from Russia!

Welcome to join the fundraising of our team for to work on this international column and offline volunteer activities. A couple of cups of coffee in your country, even before the war, could be equivalent to a day's earnings of a worker in Ukraine. Many thanks everyone in advance!
The October District Court of Krasnoyarsk today, on May 18, issued a verdict in the case, which we were among the first to write about last summer. Daniil "Ronin" Ivanov (born in 2003) and Ilya "Lenin" Vinogradov (born in 2002) each received 5 years of suspended imprisonment, 4 of which are probationary terms. Denis Kozyrev was sentenced to 3 years and 6 months of probation. The activists were released under house arrest from the pre-trial detention center on April 21.
The prosecutor asked two of them for 7 years and 2 months in prison, and Denis - for 6 years and 2 months. They were accused of robbery under Art. 162 of the Russian Criminal Code. Ilya and Daniil were detained by police special forces on August 10, 2022. They allegedly committed a robbery attack on the apartment with the use of weapons - a pistol and a knife. Moreover, the pro-Kremlin media claimed: “It has been established that Vinogradov and Ivanov oppose the conduct of a special military operation in Ukraine, made graffiti on the streets of Krasnoyarsk, and also hatched intentions to set fire to the military enlistment office.”
In fact, Daniil and Ilya came home to their former comrade, who was repeatedly seen in the company of the Nazis, where he gave them subcultural anti-fascist things. Contrary to the information replicated by many resources, the case was not opened on the basis of a robbery statement, but as a result of listening to and reading their talking in the VK messenger (according to the lawyer of Daniil). Relatives of the detainees suggested that the guys' accounts have been monitored for a long time. It is also known that the person whom the public accused of denunciation had no claims against the guys, and all the testimonies indicated that there was no robbery.
The Anarchist Black Cross of Irkutsk, supported those persecuted in this process, notes: "We congratulate the guys that they have managed to avoid the colony, but the conditional term is also not sugar. The guys will still need support for this period, and we hope that the terms will still be cut!" Earlier, we published a report on the activities of this initiative for the past year.
Join in the congratulations!
Along with this, you can read our historic material about one of the most unyielding Russian social revolutionaries from Kharkov, who spent many years in Siberian penal servitude and exile, since her birthday is in a month.