La skriboj de Petro Korpotkino en la temo socian organizon en la nova komunismo socio. Copied to clipboard El la Grupo Librecanoj Niaj riĉaĵoj La bonstato por ĉiuj Book traversal links for La konkero de la pano: Petro Kropotkino Niaj riĉaĵoj Printer-friendly version Peter Kropotkin economics manufacturing and materials communist society Esperanto Comments
The conquest of bread - Peter Kropotkin Peter Kropotkin's "The Conquest of Bread", along with his "Fields Factories and Workshops" was the result of his extensive research into…
Fields, factories and workshops - Peter Kropotkin Fields, factories and workshops: or industry combined with agriculture and brain work with manual work is Peter Kropotkin's landmark anarchist…
The wage system - Peter Kropotkin Anarchist Peter Kropotkin writes about the wage system and communism. This version in English published 1920, as Freedom Pamphlet #1.
Black Flag 235 (2012) With workfare in the news at the time, this issue focused on the CWU union's enthusiastic support for its use in Royal Mail, alongside articles…
The workers councils as organisational foundation of communist production - GIK A summary of the basic theoretical foundations of the work 'Fundamental principles of communist production and distribution' by the Dutch German left group GIK.
A world without money: communism - Les Amis de 4 Millions de Jeunes Travailleurs Un Monde Sans Argent: Le Communisme was originally published in three parts, as three separate…