Brochure publiée par la CNT-AIT (France) sur la révolution en Myanmar.

The CNT is an anarcho-syndicalist organization. It therefore federates local unions grouped into regional unions at the national level. But exploitation goes beyond borders. This is why the CNT is itself a member of the IWA (International Workers' Association) with the anarcho-syndicalist organizations that are leading the same struggle in countries as different as Spain, Colombia, Chile, Bangladesh, Pakistan, the United States, Australia and Brazil.
Locally, CNT-AIT activists who live in the same city come together in a Local Union. Those who work in the same company can organize themselves into a union section, in both the public and private sectors. The CNT-AIT favors intercorporatism because all employees, whether active or not (unemployed, retired) face the same attacks. It is all together, employees and unemployed, retired and students, public and private, precarious and permanent, that we must fight.
The pamphlet about Spring Revolution of Myanmar (Burma) is released in French by CNT-AIT.
The translated pamphet contains the organic views of the Burmese anarchists published elsewhere. Original Pamphlet to download -