Articles on Universal Credit, the 1968 Rent Strike and Social Revolution. Copied to clipboard Attachments Liverpool Anarchist - Issue 8 - Aug'20.pdf (594.3 KB) Book traversal links for Liverpool Anarchist #8 Liverpool Anarchist #7 Up Liverpool Anarchist #9 Printer-friendly version claimants and unpaid United Kingdom rent strikes unemployment Comments
The battle of Bexley Square: Salford unemployed workers' demonstration - 1st October, 1931 Edmund and Ruth Frow's account of the National Unemployed Workers Movement's…
The renewed imposition of work in the era of austerity: prospects for resistance Aufheben analyse the continuing shift from welfare to workfare in the UK.
Battle of Trafalgar: The UK Poll Tax Riot (Documentary) A chronological account of the anti-poll tax demonstration on 31st March 1990, one that contrasts…
On Labour's pledge to axe the bedroom tax Why the pledge from the Labour Party to axe the Bedroom Tax doesn't mean we've won and, if we take it at face value, could mean that we lose.