Articles on Formby Hall, 1969 Rent Strike, migrant solidarity and more. Copied to clipboard Attachments Liverpool Anarchist - Issue 9 - Oct'20.pdf (647.87 KB) Book traversal links for Liverpool Anarchist #9 Liverpool Anarchist #8 Up Liverpool Anarchist #10 Printer-friendly version workplace activity United Kingdom rent strikes evictions anti-fascism Comments
1915: Glasgow Rent Strike IN 1915 overcrowding gave landlords in Glasgow took advantage and increased the rent and evicted thousands who couldn't pay. In response the…
Rent strike: St Pancras 1960 A detailed history and analysis of the militant St Pancras rent strike of 1960 against council rent increases written in 1972.
Protest staves off eviction for Liverpool family An emergency protest called by ReClaim, a grassroots anti-austerity group based in Liverpool, successfully prevented the eviction of a family…
‘Defending our homes against landlord tyranny’: Rent strikes, then and now. An article on the history of rent strikes, written by Isaac Rose and Siobhan Donnachie for Greater…
For workers' control! - Lessons of recent struggles in the UK A leaflet compiled by members of the Solidarity Federation to share with workers in struggle -…
Rent Strikes: Organisation and Action Article about the Bristol University Rent Strike from a participant and member of Leeds SolFed.