Modern times

Modern Times cover
Modern Times cover

One-off ultraleft publication from London from 1987, looking at Thatcher's Britain and the global class struggle.

Submitted by Steven. on October 28, 2015

Digitised by, 2015


modern-times.pdf (3.94 MB)



8 years 9 months ago

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Submitted by Steven. on October 28, 2015

This journal has the same publication address, and shares graphic design/format features with News from Everywhere, so looks like the people who did News from Everywhere did this afterwards. Red Marriott or anyone have more info about this?

Red Marriott

8 years 9 months ago

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Submitted by Red Marriott on October 28, 2015

Four people wrote & published Modern Times. Two of the same people published News From Everywhere. All pre-digital old school cut'n'paste layout. Both the MT & 1st NFE pamphlets were published at the same time (1987), the 2nd NFE a year later. The 1988 MT date above was memory lapse, now corrected.


8 years 9 months ago

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Submitted by Steven. on October 29, 2015

Red Marriott

Four people wrote & published Modern Times. Two of the same people published News From Everywhere. All pre-digital old school cut'n'paste layout. Both the MT & 1st NFE pamphlets were published at the same time (1987), the 2nd NFE a year later. The 1988 MT date above was memory lapse, now corrected.

thanks for the info. And were there just two issues of NFE?

Red Marriott

8 years 9 months ago

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Submitted by Red Marriott on October 29, 2015

Yes. A few pamphlets were also published under that imprint, as listed in NFE 2.


8 years 9 months ago

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Submitted by Steven. on October 29, 2015

Cool, thanks. From memory I think we have all of those pamphlets on libcom apart from maybe one