Monthly London Meetings: 'Social Histories of Revolution: the Long 1960s'

‘Social Histories of Revolution: the Long 1960s’ explores this period from the perspectives of those whose strikes, demonstrations and other forms of struggle shook the world.

Submitted by hedgehog on September 21, 2018

We hope to emphasise history as made and lived by the ‘ordinary’ people who entered the political stage in collective struggle. Each session will be opened by speakers whose research as academics or experience as activists gives them a unique perspective on these events. The session will then be given over to open debate, and we encourage people of all ages and experiences to attend and contribute. Through collective discussion, we hope to reach a deeper understanding of revolution as the active participation of millions of people in changing history.

The Iranian Revolution of 1979 – Torab Saleth.
Tuesday 27 Nov. Marchmont Community Centre, WC1N 1AB.

The Leeds Clothing Workers Strike of 1970 – Liz Leicester.
Thursday 13 Dec. UCL Anthropology Building, WC1H 0BW.

Women’s Liberation in the 1960s – Lynn Segal. 
Thursday 31 Jan. Venue TBC.

China and the ‘Cultural Revolution’ – Steve Smith.
Thursday 28 Feb.. Venue TBC.

Revolutionary Protest in the Vietnam War Era – Alexandr Sedlmaier.
Thursday 14 March. Venue TBC.

The Feminist Movement in Italy in the 1960s – Maud Bracke.
Thursday 28 March. Venue TBC.

Sexuality in the 1960s – Colin Wilson.
Thursday 25 April. Venue TBC.

The Women’s Movement in the 1960s – Sue Bruley.
Tuesday 16 May. Venue TBC.

Revolutionary Change in Egypt – Brecht de Smet.
Thursday 30 May. Venue TBC.

Socialism and Republicanism in Ireland in the 1960s and 1970s – Brian Hanley.
Thursday 27 June. Venue TBC.

See for more info.



6 years 3 months ago

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Submitted by hedgehog on November 13, 2018


Please note the changes to some of these meetings.

All will, eventually, be posted up as audio or video recordings. See here:


5 years 10 months ago

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Submitted by hedgehog on March 24, 2019


Thursday 25 April, 2019: The 1960s and Gay Liberation, Colin Wilson. Basil Jellicoe community hall, St Joseph’s Flats, Drummond Crescent, London NW1 1LE.

Thursday 16 May 2019: The Women’s Movement in the 1960s. Sue Bruley, University of Portsmouth.

Thursday 30 May, 2019: Revolutionary Change in Egypt. Brecht de Smet, Ghent University. Venue TBC. More info.

Thursday 27 June, 2019: Socialism and Republicanism in Ireland in the 1960s-70s. Brian Hanley, University of Edinburgh. Venue TBC.

Tuesday 2 July, 2019: Robyn Spencer, Brooklyn College, City University of New York: From Harlem to Hanoi: Recovering Black Radical Anti-imperialism during the era of Global ‘68.