A run-down of the ten Libcom blog posts / articles that I found the most informative, interesting, or thought provoking in 2013.

10 Steven
Why Blackadder Goes Forth could have been a lot funnier
9 Joseph Kay
Dawkins and liberal racism
8 Juan Conatz
Occupy City Council!: Minneapolis and sewer socialism
7 AnarchoDoom
The bedroom tax and Labour Party hypocrisy
6 Rooieravotr
Ukraine: what's going on, and what does it mean?
5 Sometimes Explode
The Sun and the "Mental Patient"
4 Rooieravotr
SWP crisis: some analysis, some thoughts
3 Joseph Kay
Stop laughing at the English Defence League
2 Juan Conatz
The left and rape : why we should all be ashamed of the left’s role in covering up the rape of 2 million women.
1 Reddebrek
The Starvation Army: Twelve reasons to reject the Salvation Army
Library additions,
Library additions, particularly the Solidarity series.
I was going to start the same
I was going to start the same thread! Now I don't have to bother. Tidy.
I'll come back with my faves tomorrow.
Alias Recluse's many, many
Alias Recluse's many, many translations of ultra-left and anarchist texts.
Hands down best bit of libcom
Hands down best bit of libcom this year: Fleur rocking it on the conspiracy theory thread.
I'll probably come back with
I'll probably come back with more but a few posts/threads spring to mind.
Possibly top of the list should be Rob Ray sticking it to Webb and Lustig.
I really enjoyed Croydonian's piece on Russell Brand. The responses were quite revealing as well.
I loved the Wanker Supergroup thread, especially Commie Princess's insults including 'premium wanker' and 'all round wankstick'. Also someone listed all the members of U2 as their supergroup resulting in me almost pissing myself laughing.
The things ........ say threads were pretty good value too, particularly the manarchist one.
I'm Officially Middle Class was great fun along with the Socialist Beard thread. I like funny shit!
Ablokeimet wrote a beautiful post about violence but I don't remember where.
Someone posted a link to 'The tyranny of the clock' which was great.
Didn't like the general tone of the Thatcher threads and thread title of the year has to be 'Jeremy Clarkson - What a Fucking Knob' That's genius!
Chilli Sauce wrote: Hands
Chilli Sauce
I echo that. A fun read.
I liked the one on Atheists and Free Will, was interesting.
Though it started acrimoniously,and it got heated from time to time, I learnt a lot from the Trigger Warning thread.
The "How do you define Good Art" thread, however short, spurred me onto my long-standing goal of one day writing my own thesis type thing on the subject. I'm pretty ashamed I didn't contribute, but not too late I guess.
*Honorary mention*
Not on Libcom, but I leant of it here; At this year's London Bookfair I picked up SolFed's Fighting For Ourselves. Managed to read it a few weeks back, fucking great stuff, clearly written, and gave me an important education in contemporary anarchism. So cheers for that if you're out there.
I easily win most
I easily win most controversial blog (which shouldn't have been controversial imo)
Just read the 'Blackadder'
Just read the 'Blackadder' thread because of Working Class's rec in the OP.
I really new nothing of this but am really pleased to have read it here. My only info has come from the usual press and tv propaganda, so to read this is very refreshing. To think that refusal to play ball by one method or another was so widespread is extremely uplifting.
Thanks for a cracking article.
Yes the Blackadder article
Yes the Blackadder article was excellent!
For me, I'd say it is the
For me, I'd say it is the people that dedicate their time to writing news articles for the site - libcom appears in Google News searches, and this is probably one of the best ways to reach a wider audience than just the forum posters. A lot of thanks are owed to people like working class self-organisation for consistently doing this!
In my opinion, the best things specific to this year have been the coverage and analysis (by people from various tendencies, coming from different angles) of the socialist electoral candidates in the US, and the new growth campaigns by US business unions.
Much appreciation to Red
Much appreciation to Red Marriott for the best coverage, from a radical perspective, of class struggle in Bangladesh -- especially the battles of garment workers.
I should have also mentioned
I should have also mentioned Dominic's 'Sleepless in Istanbul' series.
I really liked Ramona's
I really liked Ramona's Things women say that you hate hearing all the time, which addressed important broader issues as well as the extremely annoying ranting about "privilege theory" incessantly emitting from certain quarters around that time.