The One Big Union Monthly (July 1937)

The One Big Union Monthly (July 1937)
The One Big Union Monthly (July 1937)

The July 1937 issue of The One Big Union Monthly, with articles on the IWW and the Spanish Civil War. Contributors include Peo Monoldi, Raymond Corder, Walter Pfeffer, and Con Dogan.

Submitted by Juan Conatz on August 31, 2014

-The construction worker by Peo Monoldi
-Papa Schaefer is a man again: a short story by S.I. Stephens
-Industrial unionism in the IWW: the job branch by Raymond Corder
-The future of Spain: industrial democracy or ? by Con Dogan
-Sarah plants a garden by A Ventura Working Woman
-The strait and narrow: a short story by Walter Pfieffer
-In the name of the working class! by Bert Russell
-Songs of the struggle by Con Dogan
-Workers war to stop fascism: reports on the events in Spain by the Secretariat of the International Workingmens Association (Translated by Joseph Wagner)
-Book reviews

Taken from CDs of JPG scans created by San Francisco General Membership Branch of the IWW
CDs provided courtesy of Nate Hawthorne/Twin Cities IWW Archives


OBUMjuly1937.pdf (9.31 MB)
