The May 1937 issue of The One Big Union Monthly, with articles on the Spanish Civil War and the Barcelona May Day. Contributors include x102287, Melvin W. Jackson, Walter Pfeffer, Eugene M. Fisher and Justus Ebert.

-May Day by x102287
-The emigrant by Gefion
-Wanted: One Big Union
-Let's you and him join the army by Melvin W. Jackson
-The life of the gandy dander
-What's what in Spain
-It can happen here by Walter Pfeffer
-Book reviews
-America must have its news by Eugene M. Fisher
-"Conspiracy to raise wages" by Melvin W. Jackson
-Murmansk by A. Yourniek
-Behold in Spain the symbol of May Day! by Justus Ebert
The One Big Union Monthly (May 1937).pdf
(3.85 MB)