London Mayday Monopoly game guide 2001 Booklet produced for May Day 2001, which combines radical history and information on potential locations of interest to anti-capitalists.
Love & Rage (WOMBLES) #1 (2003) Debut issue of WOMBLES zine, including "Communiques, news, emotions on a year [and some] of activity by WOMBLES."
May Day 2024: Down with Nationalism and War - Workers Have No Country! 2024 May Day Statement of the Internationalist Communist Tendency
The Silent Speak: The Incomplete, True, Authentick, and Wonderful History of May Day 1985 edition of this now-classic essay by Peter Linebaugh about the history of May Day, authored…
May Day 2022: Three Deadly Crises, One Cause - Destroy Capitalism! The war in Ukraine, the Covid-19 pandemic, devastation of the environment and climate disaster, all…
Liverpool Anarchist #12 Latest issue of the Liverpool Anarchist with articles about the University strike, signing support, international unrest and May Day.
The History of May Day A short comic about the history of May Day. Illustrated by Viro — a Vietnamese artist, with historical support from Working Class History…
May Day 2021: The Only Future for Humanity is Communist Revolution We are certain that humanity is capable of recovering from the many evils that afflict it today, but…