Political hiphop in Brum

Pleasantly surprised by some midlands hip-hop

Submitted by Choccy on May 6, 2012

First off, my knowledge of midlands hiphop is non-existent, so I wasn't sure what to expect at the May Day event organised by Brum Trades Council - film showing about Greece (Reel News) followed by local hip hop Red Beard and Broken Dialect.

Red Beard was pretty funny and 'Agency Scum' is a fairly accurate account of how shit agency work is and why you should skive every chance you get.
"allergic to hard work, doctors can't find a reason"

Broken Dialect from Wolverhampton were decent though it looks like they haven't quite figured out their politics yet - vids them rocking Che Guevara shirts, bigging up Salvador Allende, dancing on March 26 demo, and later claiming anarchism. But entertaining enough and obviously still developing politically - and that's not meant patronisingly; I don't listen to music expecting 'perfect' politics. If I did, my ipod would be empty.

Here they are on a Free Palestine tip



12 years 9 months ago

In reply to by libcom.org

Submitted by Automaton on May 6, 2012

Annoyed that I missed this. Been really busy at the moment. Looks good.


12 years ago

In reply to by libcom.org

Submitted by beenice1000 on January 14, 2013

It's Amazing where Hip hop has gone since it's inception. The World is now part of the Hip hop Nation. I would also like to add a link to another Political song I find intriguing.
