Cover (pag. 257)
Comfort, Alex. A legend of UNO (pagg. 257-259)
Woodcock, George. Ancestors (4). William Godwin (pagg. 260-262)
Godwin, William. Extracts from "Enquiry concerning political justice" (pagg. 262-267)
Tucci, Niccolò. Letter to a friend (pagg. 267-268)
Orwell, George. "Catastrophic gradualism" (pagg. 268-270)
Pannekoek, Anton. The failure of the workingclass (pagg. 270-272)
Votaw, Albert. Resistance in C. P. S. (pagg. 272-274)
Dryden, Theodore. Periodicals. "Animadversions on naturalistic ethics" (pagg. 274-275)
Dryden, Theodore. Periodicals. "Consequences of the nationalization of the Bank of England" (pag. 275)
Dryden, Theodore. Periodicals. The "Liberal" fifth column (pagg. 275-276)
Heick, Helen. "The independent woman". Wanted: a program for the men (pag. 276)
Corkrey West, Ruth. "The independent woman". Woman in society - additional notes (pagg. 276-277)
McLuhan, Marshall. "The independent woman". Out of the castle into the counting-house (pagg. 277-279)
Goldwater, Ethel. "The independent woman". Reply (pagg. 279-280)
Calhoun, Don. Science, politics and the absolute; with a reply by Dwight Macdonald (pagg. 281-285)
Barbarow, George. Popular Culture. "Henry V" - Middlebrow Movie (pagg. 286-287)
Margoshes, Adam. Books. Hitler's professors. The part of scholarship in Germany's crimes against the jewish people (pagg. 287-288)
Mitchell, Broadus. Books. Alexander Hamilton (pagg. 288-289)
Lord, Charles. Free and equal. A note on race prejudice (pag. 289)
The intelligence office (pagg. 290-294)
Malaquais, Jean. The intelligence office. The Blasco case: reply (pag. 292)
Fifth report on packages abroad (pagg. 294-295)
Contributors (pag. 296)

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