Online archive of Principia Dialectica, a magazine whose contributors included Michel Prigent, Len Bracken and Moishe Postone. Two issues were published. Principia Dialectica maintains a website at Copied to clipboard Principia Dialectica issue 1 Principia Dialectica issue 2 Book traversal links for Principia Dialectica magazine Principia Dialectica issue 1 Printer-friendly version United Kingdom Moishe Postone publications Michel Prigent PDF Comments
The Commonweal An incomplete archive of the publication The Commonweal produced by the Socialist League which was one of the earliest socialist/anarchist organisations in the UK, and edited by William…
The Spoons Striker A Wetherspoons strike bulletin, produced by workers who have voted for strike action on October 4th at two pubs in Brighton. First hosted at…
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