Are you doing the processing... ...or are you being processed? Issue 1: April 1981 from Copied to clipboard Attachments processedworld01proc.pdf (4.04 MB) Table of Contents 9 to 5: We're So Pretty. . . Pretty Vacant! Hello Out There New Information Technology: For What? San Francisco 1987: Would You Believe It? Office workers on strike: San Francisco 1981 Book traversal links for Processed World #1 Introducing Processed World Up Table of Contents Printer-friendly version Processed World Comments
Post-mortem on the Blue Shield strike Processed World analyses the situation at the end of the Blue Shield insurance workers' strike in 1981.
"A Strike By Any Other Name" Natasha Moss-Dedrick analyses the huge, five months strike of 70,000 California grocery workers in 2004 and the role the union played in their defeat.