Prol-position news 2 from May 2005. Copied to clipboard Attachments ppnews-2-May-2005.pdf (335.8 KB) A new kind of strike in France (Citroën etc.), 2005 Chat about olive harvest strike in Spain, 2005 Foreign investments in the Czech Republic: Boom or fall? 2004 France: Leaflet on 35 hour week, 2005 - Mouvement Communiste Going east: Direct investments in Eastern Europe Migrant workers in the Czech Republic, 2005 Migration, industry and struggles in Poland, 1956-2005 Romania after the transition - restructuring and struggle, 2004 Strike at Citroën Aulnay, 2005 Strike at Michelin in Zalau, Romania, 2005 Strike at Skoda auto, Mlada Boleslav, Czech Republic, 2005 Strike at ThyssenKrupp in Terni, Italy, 2004-5 Strikes in Poland, early 2005 Striking olive harvest workers in Spain, 2005 Student protests in Italy and Slovakia, 2005 Wildcat Preface: Beverly Silver, ‘Forces of Labor’ Book traversal links for Prol-position news 2 VW cut wages and lengthen hours in Germany, 2005 Up A new kind of strike in France (Citroën etc.), 2005 Printer-friendly version PDF Comments
The Workers' Dreadnought (Vol. 5 No. 16 - 6 July 1918) Including: report on aeroplane workers strike, telegrams from Russia, Sylvia Pankhurst on parliament…
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