A late 1970s pamphlet from the National Union of Teachers on the bankruptcy of IQ studies and the biologizing of 'race'. Copied to clipboard Attachments nut iq.pdf (3.81 MB) class racism schools United Kingdom National Union of Teachers (NUT) science psychology Steven Rose Ken Richardson PDF Comments
I.Q tests: Building blocks for the new class system Chomsky's response to Richard Herrnstein's views on intelligence and IQ. Originally appeared in Ramparts July 1972.
Strike ballot for Birmingham teachers over forced academy plans Teachers in thirteen primary schools in Birmingham are being balloted for strike action against…
Gove butchers teaching qualifications - Education round up 27 July 2012 Gove sneaks massive reform in while no one's looking. I'd no intention of posting during the summer…
Identity Politics and Class Struggle Article from 1997 by Robin D. G. Kelley on discussions around identity politics and class struggle. While written twenty years ago it remains…
Beating back Mosley in Notting Hill, 1958 - Baker Baron A Notting Hill resident recounts his story of fighting racists and fascists in West London.
We want to riot, not to work: The 1981 Brixton uprisings Pamphlet reflecting on the 1981 anti-police riots in Brixton by the Riot Not To Work Collective…