The Vol. 7, No. 4 (March 1949) of Resistance, an anarchist publication produced out of New York.

Contents include:
-The sweep of history and the limitations of a reasonable politics
-The bombed mind by Paul Mattick
-Poem: The guillotine at work by Jackson MacLow
-Poem: The prisoner by Bob Stock
-The reasoning men by C.A.G.
-To young resisters by Paul Goodman
-Reflections on draft resistance by David Thoreau Wieck
-Ideology and literature by Gerald Vaughan
-Ethics and anarchists by Marcus Graham
-To our readers
-Financial statement
-The anarchist bookshelf (Literature list)
This issue digitized for by the Centre International de Recherches sur l'Anarchisme (CIRA) in Lausanne, Switzerland.
Resistance Vol. 7, No. 4 (March 1949).pdf
(11.53 MB)