A set of contemporary photographs about the 1912 San Diego Free Speech Fight, documenting the police violence and some of the participants in the fight. Copied to clipboard Industrial Workers of the World (IWW) United States repression San Diego San Diego Free Speech Fight Comments
1912: The San Diego free speech fight A history of the most violent of the Free Speech Fights. A combination of police brutality and vigilante terror was unleashed against the IWW and…
A Fight for Free Speech in San Diego: Davey Jones An account of the San Diego Free Speech Fight, focuses on the role of the local press in stirring up hostility to the IWW, and its support for…
The Wheatland hop riot - Sam Lowry A brief history of the riot that occured at Wheatland in Northern California after a meeting of farm labourers of the radical union the IWW was…
Emergency appeal from fired IWW truckers Truckers organizing with the IWW in North Carolina and Virginia dealing with retaliation, need support.
KKK and IWW wage drawn battle in Greenville, 1924 A 1924 article from the Portland Press Herald about conflict between the Industrial Workers of the World and the the Ku Klux Klan.