A sans culotte A short pamphlet produced by the Direct Action Movement about the sans culottes: the revolutionary, urban poor in the French Revolution. Copied to clipboard Digitised by libcom.org in 2015 Attachments sans-culottes.pdf (799.15 KB) France Edinburgh Direct Action Movement (DAM) French Revolution PDF Comments I recall meeting the author I recall meeting the author at least twice. I think the last time in Koln at IWA Congress He liked to have a wee bit to drink. Is S. still around? syndicalist, I never met S syndicalist, I never met S although Edinburgh Solfed collected the internal papers of Edinburgh DAM. S has not been in Edinburgh for a long time. AES wrote: syndicalist, I AES syndicalist, I never met S although Edinburgh Solfed collected the internal papers of Edinburgh DAM. S has not been in Edinburgh for a long time. OK, kinda figured. Thanks. Added tags Edinburgh and Added tags Edinburgh and Scotland so people searching those will see this and its link to Edinburgh DAM / Edinburgh SolFed
I recall meeting the author I recall meeting the author at least twice. I think the last time in Koln at IWA Congress He liked to have a wee bit to drink. Is S. still around?
syndicalist, I never met S syndicalist, I never met S although Edinburgh Solfed collected the internal papers of Edinburgh DAM. S has not been in Edinburgh for a long time.
AES wrote: syndicalist, I AES syndicalist, I never met S although Edinburgh Solfed collected the internal papers of Edinburgh DAM. S has not been in Edinburgh for a long time. OK, kinda figured. Thanks.
Added tags Edinburgh and Added tags Edinburgh and Scotland so people searching those will see this and its link to Edinburgh DAM / Edinburgh SolFed
Class Struggle in the First French Republic Bourgeois and Bras Nus 1793-1795 - Daniel Guerin Daniel Guerin's work analysing the class tensions during the French Revolution and…
The great French revolution, 1789-1793 - Peter Kropotkin Russian anarchist Peter Kropotkin's extensive history and analysis of the French Revolution of 1789.
The CIA reads French theory: on the intellectual labor of dismantling the cultural Left - Gabriel Rockhill Notwithstanding its limitations, an interesting historical look at the state's…
Time Recaptured: Self Management and the Lip Occupation - Point Blank! San Fransicso situationists Point Blank on the 1973 occupation by 1300 workers of the Lip watch…
The letters of Os Cangaceiros in relation to "13,000 Escapes" English translations of the group's letters to individuals and organisations associated with the…
Fighting Talk Edinburgh: Broadsheet of Edinburgh Anti-Fascist Action An archive of Fighting Talk Edinburgh, a publication produced by Edinburgh Anti-Fascist Action in…
I recall meeting the author
I recall meeting the author at least twice. I think the last time in Koln at IWA Congress
He liked to have a wee bit to drink. Is S. still around?
syndicalist, I never met S
syndicalist, I never met S although Edinburgh Solfed collected the internal papers of Edinburgh DAM. S has not been in Edinburgh for a long time.
AES wrote: syndicalist, I
OK, kinda figured. Thanks.
Added tags Edinburgh and
Added tags Edinburgh and Scotland so people searching those will see this and its link to Edinburgh DAM / Edinburgh SolFed