Workers at the Selectron Cwmcarn factory in South Wales staged a sit-in yesterday upon the arrival of the company's European Vice President.

The company announced at the end of March that it would close the factory in South Wales, making 150 people redundant, many having worked there for more than 25 years.Selectron has already reduced the workforce from 700 in the past five years, and sent many contracts overseas including one last year to Singapore.
Selectron's European Vice President, Thomas Schraeder, visited the plant yesterday to speak to Communication Workers Union representatives, however workers spontaneously stopped work on his arrival and occupied that canteen until he agreed to speak to them directly.
The CWU reported Grace Mitchell at the plant as saying that the workers' actions, although unexpected, “demonstrated that the members would not take the closure lying down. There is no doubt that neither the negotiating team nor our members are convinced that Solectron have no choice but to close and while we remain pessimistic, we are pleased that Mr Schaedler has agreed to reflect on our meeting. As for our members, we are proud that they stood up and were counted. Mr Schaedler won’t forget his visit in a hurry!"