Socialist Party of Canada Western Clarion Literature for sale by the Dominion Executive Committee

Western Clarion
for sale by
Dominion Executive Committee
Capital Vols I., II., III (Marx)
Ancient Lowly, Vols. I, II. (Ward)
Ancient Society (Morgan)
History of the Commune of 1871 (Lissigaray)
Essays on the Materialistic Conception (Labriola)
Marxian Economics (Unterman)
Socialism and Modern Science (Ferri)
Physical Basis of Mind and Morals (Fitch)
Industrial History of England (Gibbons)
Positive Outcome of Philosophy (Dietzgen)
Landmarks of Scientific Socialism (Engels)
The Theoretical System of Karl Marx (Boudin)
An Introduction to Sociology (Lewis)
Savage Survivals (Moore)
History of Great American Fortunes, Vols I., II. III (Myers)
History of Canadian Wealth (Myers)
Evolution, Social and Organic (Lewis)
Germs of Minds in Plants (France)
Feuerbach (Engels)
Communist Manifesto (Marx and Engels)
The Law of Biogenesis (Moore)
The Right to be Lazy, and Other Studies (Lafargue)
Revolution and Counter Revolution (Marx)
Science and Revolution (Unterman)
The Evolution of Man (Boelsche)
Vital Problems in Social Evolution (Lewis)
Socialist: Its Growth and Outcome (Morris and Bax)
History of Politics (Jenks)
Socialism, Utopian and Scientific (Engels)
Eighteenth Brumaire (Marx)