Libcom's guide to further reading around the Spanish civil war and revolution of 1936-1939.

- Homage to Catalonia - Orwell*
- The Civil War in Spain - Broue/Themin
- Wrong Steps: Errors in the Spanish Revolution - Juan Garcia Oliver
- The Friends of Durruti Group, 1937-9 – A. Guillamon
- We, the Anarchists: A Study of the Iberian Anarchist Federation (FAI) 1927-1937 - Stuart Christie
- "Nazism and the Working Class, 1933-93" - Sergio Bologna
- "The struggle against Fascism begins with the struggle against Bolshevism" - Otto Rühle
- Revolution and War in Spain 1931-39 – P. Preston
- Revolution and Counter-Revolution in Spain - Morrow
- The Spanish Revolution – Trotsky
- The Spanish Civil War: The View From the Left – Revolutionary History
- The Spanish Anarchists: The Heroic Years 1868-1936 - Bookchin
- To Remember Spain: The Anarchist and Syndicalist Revolution of 1936 - Bookchin
- Anarchists in the Spanish Revolution - Peirats
- The Comintern and The Spanish Civil War - E.H. Carr
- The Spanish Revolution – Thomas
- Workers against Work: Labor in Paris and Barcelona during the Popular Fronts (1936-38) - M. Seidman
- The Truth About Spain - Rocker
- The Tragedy of Spain - Rocker
- Spain - Souchy
- Defying Male Civilization – Nash
- Economic Relations Between Nazi Germany and Franco’s Spain: 1936-45
- Memories of Resistance: Women’s Voices in the Spanish Civil War – Mangini
- Mississippi to Madrid – Yates
- The Odyssey of the Abraham Lincoln Brigade – Carroll
- African Americans in the Spanish Civil War – Collum
- Civil War in Spain – Jellinek
- The Spanish Revolution - Payne
- For Whom The Bell Tolls - Hemingway