Stop The City 1983/4 - Documentation and Attitudes To Policing

A brief account of the 'Stop The City' protests 1983/4, concentrating on attitudes to possible and actual police repression - and efforts to ensure effective protests.

For The Conference Against Police Repression
Haringey, 14th September 1985

Also includes leaflets and discussion documents produced by those involved at the time:

Submitted by Fozzie on April 11, 2019
  • Map of 'The City' + general briefing for STC 4.
  • Police official briefing (internal) 4-pages. For STC 2
  • Attitudes to police:- non-cooperation, ideas for actions, clogging up the court process, related protests.
  • Account of STC 2 (and covering STC 1) + analysis and quotes.
  • A Haringey account of STC 4
  • Account of final evaluation meeting (October 1984) and suggestions for the future
  • November 5th (1984) Day of Protests leaflet - which came out of the evaluation mtg.
  • General reflections and analysis
  • STC 4 poster.

Compiled by Dave, (an STC participant, and a member of London Greenpeace).

