A study guide for Karl Marx's Capital vol 1 by Harry Cleaver. Copied to clipboard It starts with chapter 2, as Chapter 1 is covered in Cleaver's book "Reading Capital Politically". Chapter 2: The Process of Exchange Chapter 3: Money, or the Circulation of Commodities Chapter 4: The General Formula for Capital Chapter 5: Contradictions in the General Formula Chapter 6: The Sale and Purchase of Labour Power Chapter 7: The Labor Process and the Valorization Process Chapter 8: Constant and Variable Capital Chapter 9: The Rate of Surplus Value Chapter 10: The Working Day Chapter 11: The Rate and Mass of Surplus Value Chapter 12: The Concept of Relative Surplus Value Chapter 13: Co-operation Chapter 14: Manufacturing and the Division of Labor Chapter 15: Machinery and Modern Industry Answers to Questions for Review, Chap's 7-10 Answers to Review Questions for Chapters 13-15 Book traversal links for Study guide for Capital - Harry Cleaver Chapter 2: The Process of Exchange Printer-friendly version Karl Marx Marxism economics Harry Cleaver Comments I notice Harry Cleaver's I notice Harry Cleaver's website now covers up to chapter 33. So whoever knows how to work this whole internet malarkey might want to add the extra chapters to Libcom.
I notice Harry Cleaver's I notice Harry Cleaver's website now covers up to chapter 33. So whoever knows how to work this whole internet malarkey might want to add the extra chapters to Libcom.
Karl Marx: Economist or Revolutionary? Harry Cleaver's analysis of Marx's work as more than mere economics but as a revolutionary tool for the working class.
In Marx's laboratory: critical interpretations of the Grundrisse In Marx’s Laboratory. Critical Interpretations of the Grundrisse provides a critical analysis of the…
International exchange and the law of value (conclusion) - Isaak Dashkovskij Dashkovskij wrote a 3-article series on international trade. The present article is the conclusion…
Outline study course in Marxian economics - Paul Mattick Paul Mattick's guide to Capital, created for study groups for unemployed workers for classes on the…
Salajro, prezo kaj profito: Karlo Markso Parolado per Karlo Markso al la Internacia Asocio de Laboristoj en Junio 1865.
I notice Harry Cleaver's
I notice Harry Cleaver's website now covers up to chapter 33. So whoever knows how to work this whole internet malarkey might want to add the extra chapters to Libcom.