Welcome to Class War's weekly TV guide for the revolutionary couch potato. This week we have the hardly surprising news that mosques discriminate against women, Russian and French state terrorism, Freaks and an anti-imperialist classic. Oh – and hopefully Class War founder Ian Bone on More4.

Mon 30 Oct 8pm Ch4 – Dispatches. Tazeem Ahmad follows a group of Muslim women attempting to gain full access to mosques in Britain. At least 800 currently bar women.
11.20pm BBC2 – The Russian Newspaper Murders. Tell lies in the British media, and nothing happens. Tell the truth in Russia, and something does………
Tues 31 Oct 11.30pm TCM2 – Freaks. A horror film from 1932 that everybody should see once.
Thurs 2 Nov 9pm BBC4 - 40 Minutes On. Life in the former pit village of Deri in south Wales.
11.05pm More4 – Starkey’s Last word. Not confirmed yet, but we think this is going to feature Class War founder Ian Bone, and Salma Yaqooub of Respect.
Fri 3 Nov 7.35pm Ch4 – Unreported World. The steady collapse of life in Guatemala City.
9pm More4 – Battle of Algiers. Before its eventual descent in military rule and Islamic extremism, Algeria fought a bitter war of independence against France. This 1965 docu-drama is seen as one of the best portrayals of such war ever made.
10.30pm True Movies – The Sinking Of the Rainbow Warrior. How Greenpeace fell foul to French state terrorism.