also exist in several languages Author Class War Group Copied to clipboard Attachments Gaza-Israel-Woman-Poster-ENGLISH.jpg (892.06 KB) No War but the Class War Palestine Gaza invasion 2023 Israel Comments
Anti-war protests in Israel and Gaza Article by Russian anarcho-syndicalists, KRAS, the Israeli invasion of Gaza 2023. Reproduced for reference only.
Preliminary notes on the situation in Palestine and further abroad - No War But The Class War Leaflet from 2002, looking at the Palestinian and Afghan conflicts through the lens of the changing development of capitalism in those regions.
From Gaza to Tel-Aviv and to the whole World… No War But Class War! “The position of revolutionaries confronted with capitalist war is always the same: to oppose social…
Voices from the Front Line Against the Occupation: Interview with Palestinian Anarchists Interview between Black Rose and Palestinian anarchists, Fauda, during the Israeli…
Stop the Genocide in Gaza! End the War on Palestine! Statement was written by the Black Rose / Rosa Negra International Relations Committee (IRC), subsequently endorsed by a majority the…