Interviews conducted by Jesse Oldershaw with sacked Visteon workers occupying their Enfield plant 4 April 2009. Copied to clipboard car industry United Kingdom interviews video Visteon occupation Visteon Comments Great stuff - keep posting Great stuff - keep posting updates! Cheers.
Voices from the Visteon-Ford occupation in Enfield Interviews with sacked Visteon workers occupying their plant in Enfield, north London.
Video: Visteon factory occupation workers go to boss's house On Monday 6th April 2009, seven days after occupying their factory in Basildon, Essex, the Visteon…
Video of Enfield Visteon occupation ending Video footage of and interviews with workers leaving the Enfield Visteon plant to rally and commence picketing.
Appeal for support for the Visteon occupation video Appeal for support delivered by Kevin Nolan, Unite convenor of the Enfield site.
Video of Visteon workers eviction in Enfield Visteon workers in Enfield, having been threatened with mass arrest by a court order, agree to leave peacefully under the recommendation of the…
Visteon factory worker occupations mini documentary Hundreds of workers occupied to Visteon car manufacturing factories in Britain after the management closed them down, laying off the entire…
Great stuff - keep posting
Great stuff - keep posting updates! Cheers.