Tom Murray's little book 'Waterfront Supercargo,' published by Singlejack Books in 1980. Copied to clipboard Attachments WFSC_F.pdf (13.1 MB) Stan Weir Comments
American labor on the defensive: A 1940’s odyssey - Stan Weir An article by Stan Weir surveying the effects World War II and the post-war years had on CIO unions…
Reviews: “Singlejack Solidarity” teaches valuable lessons for the working class Patrick McGuire's review of Stan Weir's book, Singlejack Solidarity.
The role of the individual and the group in the creation of work cultures - Stan Weir Stan Weir compares wildcat strikes in Poland and San Diego and their basis in the 'informal work…
Stan Weir - Letter on Singlejack Books A letter sent by Stan Weir along with his shipment of assorted records to the Tamiment Library at NYU. In it is he gives a brief synposis of the …