

Submitted by adri on May 21, 2023




1 year 2 months ago

Submitted by adri on May 21, 2023

The background on how Chernyshevsky's novel came to be published, which is touched on in the introduction, is pretty amusing (you arrest someone for censorship violations and other charges, yet then permit them to compose an entire novel while in detention and awaiting trial?!):

In late 1862 Chernyshevsky asked the prison commandant for permission to begin work on a novel. His request granted, he set to work and produced the entire novel within four months, between December 14, 1862, and April 4, 1863. The first part of the manuscript was then submitted to the prison censor, who, whether carelessly or for devious purposes, passed it and forwarded the manuscript to the censor of the journal Sovremennik [the journal Chernyshevsky wrote for]. Passed again, the novel was sent to the journal's editor, Nekrasov, who promptly lost it in a cab. He managed to recover the manuscript only after advertising in the official gazette of the St. Petersburg police. With what is perhaps the greatest irony of Russian letters, the novel that the police helped to retrieve turned out to be the most subversive and revolutionary work of nineteenth-century Russian literature. Its publication has aptly been called "the most spectacular example of bureaucratic bungling in the cultural realm during the reign of Alexander II."