The Vol. 3, No. 3 (August 1944) issue of Why?, an anarchist publication produced out of New York City from 1942-1947.

Contents include:
-Who are the guilty? by W.O'C (a.k.a. Michael Grieg)
-Philadelphia: ignorant and discontented by Vida
-As we go to press...
-The air is not free by W.O'C (a.k.a. Michael Grieg)
-Sacco and Vanzetti: two anarchists by G.A. (a.k.a. Audrey Goodfriend)
-Labor's weapons by D.K. (a.k.a. David Koven)
-A bright tomorrow by A.D. Adams
-Towards anarchy by Frederick Lohr (Reprinted from War Commentary)
-Between the lines
-A new declaration of independence by Emma Goldman (Reprinted from Mother Earth Vol. 4, 1909-1910)
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Why Vol. 3, No. 3 (August 1944).pdf
(5.57 MB)