The Vol. 1, No. 5 (August-September 1942) issue of Why?, an anarchist publication produced out of New York City from 1942-1947.
Contents include:
-Anti-fascism vs. anti-fascism
-Twenty years after by B.C.
-This reconstruction business by Ethel Mannin (Reprinted from War Commentary, July 1942)
-Direct action by Michael Bakunin
-Nationalism and India by W. O'C (a.k.a. Michael Grieg)
-The great confusion by C.S. (a.k.a. Charles Storm)
-Union card for Jim Crow? by W.Y.
-Troops accused of racial bigotry?
-Notes from a Mariner
-The death of Sebastian Faure (Reprinted from L'adunata, August 8, 1942)
This issue scanned for and purchased from funds donated by our users.