Including: a military prisoner writes, Dreadnought raided again, Sylvia Pankhurst on the Bolshevik revolution, etc. Copied to clipboard Attachments Vol. IV.—No. 34SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 17th, 1917.pdf (4.2 MB) The Lenin revolution: what it means to democracy - Sylvia Pankhurst Book traversal links for The Workers' Dreadnought (Vol. 4 No. 34 - 17 November 1917) The Workers' Dreadnought (Vol. 4 No. 33 - 10 November 1917) Up The Lenin revolution: what it means to democracy - Sylvia Pankhurst Printer-friendly version PDF Comments
An agreement of the people - John Wildman A short appeal from army regiments under the sway of the Levellers for peace and political reform to more equally distribute power within England…
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