Including: Montessori education principles, shop steward movement in France, Sylvia Pankhurst on socialists and the war, oppositon to anti- sex worker legislation, Ireland, etc. Copied to clipboard Attachments Vol. V.—No. 3. SATURDAY, APRIL 13th, 1918 .pdf (4.01 MB) Book traversal links for The Workers' Dreadnought (Vol. 5 No. 3 - 13 April 1918) The Workers' Dreadnought (Vol. 5 No. 2 - 6 April 1918) Up The Workers' Dreadnought (Vol. 5 No. 4 - 20 April 1918) Printer-friendly version PDF Comments
Towards the establishment of workers' councils in Italy - Amadeo Bordiga Bordiga's contribution to communist theories of the role of the workers party in pushing forward…
The Workers' Dreadnought (Vol. 5 No. 35 - 23 November 1918) Including: Labour Party conference, Russia, the need for a shop stewards co-ordinating body in…
The Workers' Dreadnought (Vol. 5 No. 43 - 18 January 1919) Including: Maxim Gorki, dockworkers demand pay rise, Sylvia Pankhurst on the League of Nations, new…