Organisers of the Marseilles anti-CPE demonstration have given figures of 130,000 on the streets of the port city according to Le Figaro. Copied to clipboard Further updates will continue to be posted throughout the day. France demonstrations Western Europe Anti-CPE protests Marseille Comments
Deputies examine CPE replacement text as smaller demos continue The deputies have this evening started to examine the private bill which replaces the CPE tonight.
One million throng streets in towns across France Around a million took to the streets today to join protests against the CPE.
France: 'La Lutte' continues? Demonstrations are planned for tomorrow as many universities maintain the pressure on the government, with some hoping for the extension of the struggle.
Paris - account and photos from our correspondent A personal account and accompanying photos of the Paris anti-CPE demonstration and riot from one of our correspondents in Paris.
Spontaneous demonstrations against Chirac Several thousand people took part in demonstrations in Paris to protest against the promulgation of the CPE.
Report from demonstrations in Bordeaux An eyewitness account from Bordeaux, where our correspondent Jay Taylor saw spontaneous marches through the streets after Chirac's speech last night.